flex_color_picker library
A customizable Flutter primary, accent and custom color picker. Includes an optional HSV wheel color picker.
- ColorCodeField
- Color code entry and display field used by the FlexColorPicker.
- ColorIndicator
A Material widget used as a color indicator and color selector by the
FlexColorPicker package's
widget. - ColorPicker
- A customizable Material primary color, accent color and custom colors, color picker.
- ColorPickerActionButtons
- Defines the FlexColorPicker OK and Cancel actions buttons and their style.
- ColorPickerCopyPasteBehavior
- Used by FlexColorPicker to define how copy-paste operations behave.
- ColorTools
- Static color tool functions used internally by FlexColorPicker.
- ColorWheelPicker
- A HSV color wheel based color picker for Flutter, used by FlexColorPicker.
- ColorPickerActionButtonOrder
- Used to define the order of OK and Cancel buttons on the FlexColorPicker dialog.
- ColorPickerActionButtonType
- Type of button used for OK or Cancel action button on a FlexColorPicker dialog.
- ColorPickerCopyFormat
- Enum that controls the RGB string format of the copied color value.
- ColorPickerType
- Enum that represents the different offered color picker types.
- FlexColorPickerColorExtensions on Color
- Public extensions on Color.
- FlexPickerNoNullColorExtensions on Color
- Extensions on non nullable Color to return it's color value as strings.
- FlexPickerNoNullStringExtensions on String
- Extensions on String.
- FlexPickerNullableStringExtensions on String?
- Extensions on String.
BuildContext context, Color color, {Map< ColorPickerType, bool> pickersEnabled = const <ColorPickerType, bool>{ColorPickerType.both : false, ColorPickerType.primary : true, ColorPickerType.accent : true, ColorPickerType.bw : false, ColorPickerType.custom : false, ColorPickerType.wheel : false}, bool enableShadesSelection = true, bool includeIndex850 = false, bool enableTonalPalette = false, bool tonalPaletteFixedMinChroma = false, MainAxisSize mainAxisSize = MainAxisSize.max, CrossAxisAlignment crossAxisAlignment = CrossAxisAlignment.center, EdgeInsetsGeometry padding = const EdgeInsets.all(16), double columnSpacing = 8, double? toolbarSpacing, double? shadesSpacing, bool enableOpacity = false, double opacityTrackHeight = 36, double? opacityTrackWidth, double opacityThumbRadius = 16, ColorPickerActionButtons actionButtons = const ColorPickerActionButtons(), ColorPickerCopyPasteBehavior copyPasteBehavior = const ColorPickerCopyPasteBehavior(), IconData selectedColorIcon = Icons.check, double width = 40.0, double height = 40.0, bool tonalColorSameSize = false, double spacing = 4, double runSpacing = 4, double elevation = 0, bool hasBorder = false, double? borderRadius, Color? borderColor, double wheelDiameter = 190, double wheelWidth = 16, double wheelSquarePadding = 0, double wheelSquareBorderRadius = 4, bool wheelHasBorder = false, Widget? title, Widget? heading, Widget? subheading, Widget? tonalSubheading, Widget? wheelSubheading, Widget? recentColorsSubheading, Widget? opacitySubheading, bool showMaterialName = false, TextStyle? materialNameTextStyle, bool showColorName = false, TextStyle? colorNameTextStyle, bool showColorCode = false, bool colorCodeHasColor = false, bool showEditIconButton = false, IconData editIcon = Icons.edit, bool focusedEditHasNoColor = false, TextStyle? colorCodeTextStyle, TextStyle? colorCodePrefixStyle, bool colorCodeReadOnly = false, bool showColorValue = false, bool showRecentColors = false, int maxRecentColors = 5, List<Color> recentColors = const <Color>[], bool enableTooltips = true, Color? selectedPickerTypeColor, TextStyle? pickerTypeTextStyle, Map<ColorPickerType, String> pickerTypeLabels = const <ColorPickerType, String>{ColorPickerType.primary : ColorPicker._selectPrimaryLabel, ColorPickerType.accent : ColorPicker._selectAccentLabel, ColorPickerType.bw : ColorPicker._selectBlackWhiteLabel, ColorPickerType.both : ColorPicker._selectBothLabel, ColorPickerType.custom : ColorPicker._selectCustomLabel, ColorPickerType.wheel : ColorPicker._selectWheelAnyLabel}, Map<ColorSwatch< customColorSwatchesAndNames = const <ColorSwatch<Object>, String>{}, Map<Object> , String>ColorSwatch< customSecondaryColorSwatchesAndNames = const <ColorSwatch<Object>, String>{}, Widget? dialogTitle, EdgeInsetsGeometry titlePadding = EdgeInsets.zero, TextStyle? titleTextStyle, EdgeInsetsGeometry contentPadding = EdgeInsets.zero, EdgeInsetsGeometry? actionsPadding, EdgeInsetsGeometry? buttonPadding, Color? backgroundColor, double? dialogElevation, Color? shadowColor, Color? surfaceTintColor, String? semanticLabel, EdgeInsets insetPadding = const EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 40, vertical: 24), Clip clipBehavior = Clip.none, ShapeBorder? shape, bool barrierDismissible = true, Color barrierColor = Colors.black12, String? barrierLabel, bool useSafeArea = true, RouteSettings? routeSettings, Offset? anchorPoint, RouteTransitionsBuilder? transitionBuilder, Duration transitionDuration = const Duration(milliseconds: 200), BoxConstraints? constraints}) → Future<Object> , String>Color> - Define a color picker, show its dialog and wait for it to return a color.