barrierDismissible property

bool barrierDismissible

Only takes effect if FlashController.persistent is false, and barrierBlur or barrierColor is not null. Whether you can dismiss this flashbar by tapping the modal barrier.

For example, when a dialog is on the screen, the page below the dialog is usually darkened by the modal barrier.

If barrierDismissible is true, then tapping this barrier will cause the current flashbar to be dismiss (see FlashController.dismiss) with null as the value.

If barrierDismissible is false, then tapping the barrier has no effect.

See also:

  • barrierBlur, which controls the blur of the scrim for this flashbar.
  • barrierColor, which controls the color of the scrim for this flashbar.


final bool barrierDismissible;