constrain method

  1. @override
void constrain(
  1. ActorNode node


void constrain(ActorNode node) {
  ActorNode? target = as ActorNode?;
  ActorNode? grandParent = parent!.parent;

  Mat2D transformA = parent!.worldTransform;
  Mat2D transformB = Mat2D();
  Mat2D.decompose(transformA, _componentsA);
  if (target == null) {
    Mat2D.copy(transformB, transformA);
    _componentsB[0] = _componentsA[0];
    _componentsB[1] = _componentsA[1];
    _componentsB[2] = _componentsA[2];
    _componentsB[3] = _componentsA[3];
    _componentsB[4] = _componentsA[4];
    _componentsB[5] = _componentsA[5];
  } else {
    Mat2D.copy(transformB, target.worldTransform);
    if (_sourceSpace == TransformSpace.local) {
      ActorNode? sourceGrandParent = target.parent;
      if (sourceGrandParent != null) {
        Mat2D inverse = Mat2D();
        if (!Mat2D.invert(inverse, sourceGrandParent.worldTransform)) {
        Mat2D.multiply(transformB, inverse, transformB);
    Mat2D.decompose(transformB, _componentsB);

    if (!_copy) {
      _componentsB.rotation =
          _destSpace == TransformSpace.local ? 1.0 : _componentsA.rotation;
    } else {
      _componentsB.rotation *= _scale;
      if (_offset) {
        _componentsB.rotation += parent!.rotation;

    if (_destSpace == TransformSpace.local) {
      // Destination space is in parent transform coordinates.
      // Recompose the parent local transform and get it in world,
      // then decompose the world for interpolation.
      if (grandParent != null) {
        Mat2D.compose(transformB, _componentsB);
        Mat2D.multiply(transformB, grandParent.worldTransform, transformB);
        Mat2D.decompose(transformB, _componentsB);

  bool clampLocal =
      _minMaxSpace == TransformSpace.local && grandParent != null;
  if (clampLocal) {
    // Apply min max in local space, so transform to local coordinates first.
    Mat2D.compose(transformB, _componentsB);
    Mat2D inverse = Mat2D();
    if (!Mat2D.invert(inverse, grandParent.worldTransform)) {
    Mat2D.multiply(transformB, inverse, transformB);
    Mat2D.decompose(transformB, _componentsB);
  if (_enableMax && _componentsB.rotation > _max) {
    _componentsB.rotation = _max;
  if (_enableMin && _componentsB.rotation < _min) {
    _componentsB.rotation = _min;
  if (clampLocal) {
    // Transform back to world.
    Mat2D.compose(transformB, _componentsB);
    Mat2D.multiply(transformB, grandParent.worldTransform, transformB);
    Mat2D.decompose(transformB, _componentsB);

  double angleA = _componentsA.rotation % pi2;
  double angleB = _componentsB.rotation % pi2;
  double diff = angleB - angleA;

  if (diff > pi) {
    diff -= pi2;
  } else if (diff < -pi) {
    diff += pi2;
  _componentsB.rotation = _componentsA.rotation + diff * strength;
  _componentsB.x = _componentsA.x;
  _componentsB.y = _componentsA.y;
  _componentsB.scaleX = _componentsA.scaleX;
  _componentsB.scaleY = _componentsA.scaleY;
  _componentsB.skew = _componentsA.skew;

  Mat2D.compose(parent!.worldTransform, _componentsB);