flame_behaviors library


Behavior<Parent extends EntityMixin>
A behavior is a component that defines how an entity behaves. It can be attached to an Entity and handle a specific behavior for that entity.
CollisionBehavior<Collider extends Component, Parent extends PositionedEntity>
This behavior is used for collision between entities. The PropagatingCollisionBehavior propagates the collision to this behavior if the entity that is colliding with the Parent is an instance of Collider.
DraggableBehavior<Parent extends EntityMixin>
A behavior that makes an Entity draggable.
The entity is the building block of a game. It represents a game object that can hold multiple Behaviors, which in turn define how the entity behaves.
HoverableBehavior<Parent extends EntityMixin>
A behavior that makes an Entity hoverable.
{@macro entity}
PropagatingCollisionBehavior<Parent extends PositionedEntity>
This behavior is used to handle collisions between entities and propagates the collision through to any CollisionBehaviors that are attached to the entity.
TappableBehavior<Parent extends EntityMixin>
A behavior that makes an Entity tappable.


A mixin that adds behavioral functionality to any kind of Component.