Route class

Route is a light-weight component that builds and manages a page.

The "page" is a generic concept here: it is any component that comprises a distinct UI arrangement. Pages are usually full-screen, for example: a splash-screen page, a loading page, a game menu page, a level selection page, a character creation page, and so on. Pages may also occupy less than the full screen. These can be: a confirmation popup, an "enter name" dialog box, a character inventory panel, a UI for dialogue with an NPC, etc.

Most routes are created when the game is initialized, and thus they should try to be as lightweight as possible. In particular, a Route should avoid any potentially costly initialization operations.

Routes are managed by the RouterComponent component.

Mixed-in types


Route(Component builder()?, {Component loadingBuilder()?, bool transparent = false, bool maintainState = true})


absoluteAngle double
The resulting angle after all the ancestors and the components own angle has been applied.
no setterinherited
absoluteCenter Vector2
The absolute center of the component.
no setterinherited
absolutePosition Vector2
The anchor's position in absolute (world) coordinates.
no setterinherited
absoluteScale Vector2
The resulting scale after all the ancestors and the components own scale has been applied.
no setterinherited
absoluteScaledSize Vector2
The resulting size after all the ancestors and the components own scale has been applied.
no setterinherited
absoluteTopLeftPosition Vector2
The absolute top left position regardless of whether it is a child or not.
no setterinherited
anchor Anchor
Anchor point for this component. An anchor point describes a point within the rectangle of size size. This point is considered to be the logical "center" of the component. This can be visualized as the point where Flame "grabs" the component. All transforms occur around this point: the position is where the anchor point will end up after the component is translated; the rotation and scaling also happen around this anchor point.
getter/setter pairinherited
angle double
Rotation angle (in radians) of the component. The component will be rotated around its anchor point in the clockwise direction if the angle is positive, or counterclockwise if the angle is negative.
getter/setter pairinherited
center Vector2
The position of the center of the component's bounding rectangle in the parent's coordinates.
getter/setter pairinherited
children ComponentSet
The children components of this component.
no setterinherited
debugColor Color
The color that the debug output should be rendered with.
getter/setter pairinherited
debugCoordinatesPrecision int?
How many decimal digits to print when displaying coordinates in the debug mode. Setting this to null will suppress all coordinates from the output.
getter/setter pairinherited
debugMode bool
Returns whether this Component is in debug mode or not. When a child is added to the Component it gets the same debugMode as its parent has when it is prepared.
getter/setter pairinherited
debugPaint Paint
The debugColor represented as a Paint object.
no setterinherited
debugTextPaint TextPaint
Returns a TextPaint object with the debugColor set as color for the text.
no setterinherited
decorator Decorator
The decorator is used to apply visual effects to a component.
getter/setter pairinherited
hasChildren bool
no setterinherited
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
height double
The height of the component in local coordinates. Note that the object may visually appear larger or smaller due to application of scale.
getter/setter pairinherited
isFlippedHorizontally bool
Whether it is currently flipped horizontally.
no setterinherited
isFlippedVertically bool
Whether it is currently flipped vertically.
no setterinherited
isLoaded bool
Whether this component has completed its onLoad step.
no setterinherited
isLoading bool
Whether the component is currently executing its onLoad step.
no setterinherited
isMounted bool
Whether this component is currently added to a component tree.
no setterinherited
isMounting bool
no setterinherited
isRemoved bool
Whether the component has been removed. Originally this flag is false, but it becomes true after the component was mounted and then removed from its parent. The flag becomes false again when the component is mounted to a new parent.
no setterinherited
isRemoving bool
Whether the component is scheduled to be removed.
no setterinherited
isRendered bool
If true, the page must be rendered normally. If false, the page should not be rendered, because it is completely obscured by another route which is on top of it. This variable is set by the RouterComponent.
getter/setter pair
key ComponentKey?
A key that can be used to identify this component in the tree.
loaded Future<void>
A future that completes when this component finishes loading.
no setterinherited
maintainState bool
If false, the route will not maintain the state of this route's page component. By default, once a route becomes active, the component built by the build routine is maintained by the route after the route is popped off the stack. Setting maintainState to false will drop the page component when the route is popped off the stack.
mounted Future<void>
A future that will complete once the component is mounted on its parent.
no setterinherited
name String?
The name of the route (set by the RouterComponent).
getter/setter pair
nativeAngle double
The angle where this component is looking at when it is in the default state, i.e. when angle is equal to zero. For example, a nativeAngle of 0 implies up/north direction pi/2 implies right/east direction pi implies down/south direction -pi/2 implies left/west direction
getter/setter pairinherited
parent RouterComponent
Who owns this component in the component tree.
getter/setter pairinherited
position NotifyingVector2
The position of this component's anchor on the screen.
getter/setter pairinherited
priority int
Render priority of this component. This allows you to control the order in which your components are rendered.
getter/setter pairinherited
removed Future<void>
A future that completes when this component is removed from its parent.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
scale NotifyingVector2
The scale factor of this component. The scale can be different along the X and Y dimensions. A scale greater than 1 makes the component bigger, and less than 1 smaller. The scale can also be negative, which results in a mirror reflection along the corresponding axis.
getter/setter pairinherited
scaledSize Vector2
The "physical" size of the component. This is the size of the component as seen from the parent's perspective, and it is equal to size * scale. This is a computed property and cannot be modified by the user.
no setterinherited
size NotifyingVector2
The logical size of the component. The game assumes that this is the approximate size of the object that will be drawn on the screen. This size will therefore be used for collision detection and tap handling.
getter/setter pairinherited
timeScale double
Returns the current time scale.
getter/setter pairinherited
topLeftPosition Vector2
The top-left corner's position in the parent's coordinates.
getter/setter pairinherited
transform Transform2D
transformMatrix Matrix4
The total transformation matrix for the component. This matrix combines translation, rotation and scale transforms into a single entity. The matrix is cached and gets recalculated only as necessary.
no setterinherited
transparent bool
If true, then the route below this one will continue to be rendered when this route becomes active. If false, then this route is assumed to completely obscure any route that would be underneath, and therefore the route underneath doesn't need to be rendered.
width double
The width of the component in local coordinates. Note that the object may visually appear larger or smaller due to application of scale.
getter/setter pairinherited
x double
X position of this component's anchor on the screen.
getter/setter pairinherited
y double
Y position of this component's anchor on the screen.
getter/setter pairinherited


absolutePositionOf(Vector2 point) Vector2
Convert local coordinates of a point point inside the component into the global (world) coordinate space.
absolutePositionOfAnchor(Anchor anchor) Vector2
Similar to absolutePositionOf(), but applies to any anchor point within the component.
absoluteToLocal(Vector2 point) Vector2
Transform point from the global (world) coordinate space into the local coordinates. This function is the inverse of absolutePositionOf().
add(Component component) FutureOr<void>
Schedules component to be added as a child to this component.
addAll(Iterable<Component> components) Future<void>
A convenience method to add multiple children at once.
addRenderEffect(Decorator effect) → void
Applies the provided Decorator to the page.
addToParent(Component parent) FutureOr<void>
Adds this component as a child of parent (see add for details).
ancestors({bool includeSelf = false}) Iterable<Component>
An iterator producing this component's parent, then its parent's parent, then the great-grand-parent, and so on, until it reaches a component without a parent.
angleTo(Vector2 target) double
Returns the angle formed by component's orientation vector and a vector starting at component's absolute position and ending at target. This angle is measured in clockwise direction. target should be in absolute/world coordinate system.
build() Component
Creates the page component managed by this page.
componentsAtLocation<T>(T locationContext, List<T>? nestedContexts, T? transformContext(CoordinateTransform, T), bool checkContains(Component, T)) Iterable<Component>
This is a generic implementation of componentsAtPoint; refer to those docs for context.
componentsAtPoint(Vector2 point, [List<Vector2>? nestedPoints]) Iterable<Component>
An iterable of descendant components intersecting the given point. The point is in the local coordinate space.
contains(Component c) bool
Whether the children list contains the given component.
containsLocalPoint(Vector2 point) bool
Test whether the point (given in local coordinates) lies within this component. The top and the left borders of the component are inclusive, while the bottom and the right borders are exclusive.
containsPoint(Vector2 point) bool
Test whether the point (given in global coordinates) lies within this component. The top and the left borders of the component are inclusive, while the bottom and the right borders are exclusive.
createComponentSet() ComponentSet
This method creates the children container for the current component. Override this method if you need to have a custom ComponentSet within a particular class.
descendants({bool includeSelf = false, bool reversed = false}) Iterable<Component>
Recursively enumerates all nested children.
didPop(Route nextRoute) → void
Invoked by the RouterComponent when this route is popped off the top of the navigation stack. If maintainState is false, the page component rendered by this route is not retained when the route it popped.
didPush(Route? previousRoute) → void
Invoked by the RouterComponent when this route is pushed to the top of the navigation stack
distance(PositionComponent other) double
Measure the distance (in parent's coordinate space) between this component's anchor and the other component's anchor.
findGame() FlameGame<World>?
Fetches the nearest FlameGame ancestor to the component.
findParent<T extends Component>({bool includeSelf = false}) → T?
Returns the closest parent further up the hierarchy that satisfies type=T, or null if no such parent can be found.
findRootGame() FlameGame<World>?
Fetches the root FlameGame ancestor to the component.
firstChild<T extends Component>() → T?
Returns the first child that matches the given type T, or null if there are no such children.
flipHorizontally() → void
Flip the component horizontally around its anchor point.
flipHorizontallyAroundCenter() → void
Flip the component horizontally around its center line.
flipVertically() → void
Flip the component vertically around its anchor point.
flipVerticallyAroundCenter() → void
Flip the component vertically around its center line.
handleLifecycleEventAdd(Component parent) → LifecycleEventStatus
handleLifecycleEventMove(Component newParent) → LifecycleEventStatus
handleLifecycleEventRemove(Component parent) → LifecycleEventStatus
handleResize(Vector2 size) → void
lastChild<T extends Component>() → T?
Returns the last child that matches the given type T, or null if there are no such children.
localToParent(Vector2 point, {Vector2? output}) Vector2
lookAt(Vector2 target) → void
Rotates/snaps the component to look at the target.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
onChildrenChanged(Component child, ChildrenChangeType type) → void
This method will be invoked from lifecycle if child has been added to or removed from its parent children list.
onGameResize(Vector2 size) → void
Called whenever the size of the top-level Canvas changes.
onLoad() FutureOr<void>
Late initialization method for Component.
onMount() → void
Called when the component is added to its parent.
onParentResize(Vector2 maxSize) → void
Called whenever the parent of this component changes size; and also once before onMount.
onPop(Route nextRoute) → void
This method is called when the route is popped off the top of the RouterComponent's stack.
onPush(Route? previousRoute) → void
This method is invoked when the route is pushed on top of the RouterComponent's stack.
onRemove() → void
Called right before the component is removed from the game.
parentToLocal(Vector2 point, {Vector2? output}) Vector2
pause() → void
Pauses the component by setting the time scale to 0.0.
positionOf(Vector2 point) Vector2
Convert local coordinates of a point point inside the component into the parent's coordinate space.
positionOfAnchor(Anchor anchor) Vector2
Similar to positionOf(), but applies to any anchor point within the component.
propagateToChildren<T extends Component>(bool handler(T), {bool includeSelf = false}) bool
This method first calls the passed handler on the leaves in the tree, the children without any children of their own. Then it continues through all other children. The propagation continues until the handler returns false, which means "do not continue", or when the handler has been called with all children.
remove(Component component) → void
Removes a component from the component tree.
removeAll(Iterable<Component> components) → void
Removes all the children in the list and calls onRemove for all of them and their children.
removeFromParent() → void
Remove the component from its parent in the next tick.
removeRenderEffect() → void
Removes current Decorator, is any.
removeWhere(bool test(Component component)) → void
Removes all the children for which the test function returns true.
render(Canvas canvas) → void
renderDebugMode(Canvas canvas) → void
renderTree(Canvas canvas) → void
resume({double? newTimeScale}) → void
Resumes the component by setting the time scale to 1.0 or to the given value.
resumeTime() → void
Resumes normal time progression for the page, if it was previously slowed down or stopped.
setByRect(Rect rect) → void
Mutates position and size using the provided rect as basis. This is a relative rect, same definition that toRect use (therefore both methods are compatible, i.e. setByRect ∘ toRect = identity).
setLoaded() → void
Used by the FlameGame to set the loaded state of the component, since the game isn't going through the whole normal component life cycle.
setMounted() → void
Used by the FlameGame to set the mounted state of the component, since the game isn't going through the whole normal component life cycle.
setRemoved() → void
Used by the FlameGame to set the removed state of the component, since the game isn't going through the whole normal component life cycle.
stopTime() → void
Completely stops time for the managed page.
toAbsoluteRect() Rect
The bounding rectangle of the component in global coordinate space.
toLocal(Vector2 point) Vector2
Transform point from the parent's coordinate space into the local coordinates. This function is the inverse of positionOf().
toRect() Rect
Returns the bounding rectangle for this component.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
update(double dt) → void
This method is called periodically by the game engine to request that your component updates itself.
updateTree(double dt) → void
This method traverses the component tree and calls update on all its children according to their priority order, relative to the priority of the direct siblings, not the children or the ancestors.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.