fl_mlkit_scanning library
- Address
- An address.
- AnalysisImageModel
- Barcode
- Represents a single recognized barcode and its value.
- CalendarEvent
- A calendar event extracted from QRCode.
- CameraInfo
- CameraZoomState
- ContactInfo
- A person's or organization's business card. For example a VCARD.
- DriverLicense
- A driver license or ID card.
- An email message from a 'MAILTO:' or similar QRCode type.
- FlCamera
- FlCameraController
- FlCameraEvent
- FlCameraOptions
T extends StatefulWidget> - FlMlKitScanning
- FlMlKitScanningController
- GeoPoint
- GPS coordinates from a 'GEO:' or similar QRCode type.
- PersonName
- A person's name, both formatted version and individual name components.
- Phone
- Phone number info.
- ScannerBox
- 扫码框动画 Scan frame animation
- ScannerLine
- ScannerPainter
- 扫码框+浅色背景 Code scanning box + light background
- A sms message from a 'SMS:' or similar QRCode type.
- UrlBookmark
- A URL and title from a 'MEBKM:' or similar QRCode type.
- WiFi
- A wifi network parameters from a 'WIFI:' or similar QRCode type.
- AddressType
- Address type constants.
- BarcodeFormat
- BarcodeType
- Barcode value type constants
- CameraLensFacing
- Camera position
- CameraResolution
- EmailType
- Email format type constants.
- EncryptionType
- Wifi encryption type constants.
- FlashState
- PhoneType
- Phone number format type constants.
- CameraEventListen = void Function(dynamic data)
- EventBarcodeListen = void Function(AnalysisImageModel data)
- FlCameraCreateCallback = void Function(FlCameraController controller)
- FlMlKitScanningCreateCallback = void Function(FlMlKitScanningController controller)