fk_photos library
- AndroidEditor
- ArabicTextDelegate
- AssetsPickerTextDelegate implements with Arabic. الترجمة العربية
- AssetEntity
- Used to describe an asset.
- AssetEntityGridItemBuilder
- AssetEntityGridItemWidgetState
- AssetEntityImageProvider
- AssetPathEntity
- asset entity, for entity info.
Asset, Path> -
Asset, Path> - The delegate to build the whole picker's components.
T> - Built a slide page transition for the picker. 为选择器构造一个上下进出的页面过渡动画
Asset, Path> - ChangeNotifier for assets picker.
Asset, Path> -
Asset, Path> -
Asset, Path> -
A> - ChangeNotifier for assets picker viewer. 资源选择查看器的 provider model.
Asset, Path> - AssetsPickerTextDelegate
Alex (
2020/4/7 10:25 - CameraController
- Controls a device camera.
- CameraDescription
- Properties of a camera device.
- CameraImage
- A single complete image buffer from the platform camera.
- CameraPicker
- Create a camera picker integrate with CameraDescription. 通过 CameraDescription 整合的拍照选择
- CameraPickerState
- CameraPickerTextDelegate
Alex (
2020/7/16 11:07 - CameraPreview
- A widget showing a live camera preview.
- CameraValue
- The state of a CameraController.
- CommonSortPathDelegate
- Common sort path delegate. 常用的路径排序实现
- DateTimeCond
- CreateDate
- DefaultAssetPickerBuilderDelegate
- DefaultAssetPickerProvider
- DefaultAssetPickerViewerBuilderDelegate
- DefaultCameraPickerTextDelegate
- Default text delegate implements with Chinese. 中文文字实现
- DefaultCameraPickerTextDelegateWithOnlyRecording
- Default text delegate including only recording implements with Chinese. 中文文字实现(仅摄像)
- DefaultCameraPickerTextDelegateWithRecording
- Default text delegate including recording implements with Chinese. 中文文字实现(包括摄像)
- DefaultCameraPickerTextDelegateWithTapRecording
- Default text delegate including tap recording implements with Chinese. 中文文字实现(仅轻触摄像)
- DurationConstraint
- Constraints of duration.
- Editor
- EnglishCameraPickerTextDelegate
- Default text delegate implements with English. 英文文字实现
- EnglishCameraPickerTextDelegateWithOnlyRecording
- Default text delegate including only recording implements with English. 英文文字实现(仅摄像)
- EnglishCameraPickerTextDelegateWithRecording
- Default text delegate including recording implements with English. 英文文字实现(包括摄像)
- EnglishCameraPickerTextDelegateWithTapRecording
- Default text delegate including tap recording implements with English. 英文文字实现(仅轻触摄像)
- EnglishTextDelegate
- AssetsPickerTextDelegate implements with English. English Localization
- FilterOption
- Filter option 筛选选项的详细情况
- FilterOptionGroup
- Filter option for get asset.
- FKPhotos
- 图片操作工具类 拍照/录像/媒体选择/图片压缩
- FlutterImageCompress
- Image Compress plugin.
- FrenchTextDelegate
- AssetsPickerTextDelegate implements with French. Délégué texte français
- GermanTextDelegate
- AssetsPickerTextDelegate implementiert mit der deutschen Übersetzung. Deutsche Textimplementierung.
- HebrewTextDelegate
- AssetsPickerTextDelegate implements with Hebrew. תרגום בשפה העברית
- ImageFormat
- Describes how pixels are represented in an image.
- IosEditor
- For iOS
- JapaneseTextDelegate
- AssetsPickerTextDelegate implements with Japanese. 日本語の TextDelegate
- LatLng
- Longitude and latitude
- OrderOption
- PermisstionRequestOption
- PhotoCachingManager
- Cached thumbnails for album management.
- PhotoManager
- use the class method to help user load asset list and asset info.
- Plane
- A single color plane of image data.
- PMProgressHandler
- Only works in iOS.
- PMProgressState
- Status of progress for PMProgressHandler.
- RequestType
- RussianTextDelegate
- AssetsPickerTextDelegate implements with Russian. Локализация на русский язык.
- SizeConstraint
- Constraints of asset pixel width and height.
Path> - Delegate to sort asset path entities. 用于资源路径排序的实现
- ThumbOption
- XFile
- A CrossFile is a cross-platform, simplified File abstraction.
- AssetType
- asset type
- CameraLensDirection
- The direction the camera is facing.
- CompressFormat
- DeliveryMode
- ExposureMode
- The possible exposure modes that can be set for a camera.
- FlashMode
- The possible flash modes that can be set for a camera
- FocusMode
- The possible focus modes that can be set for a camera.
- ImageFileType
- ImageFormatGroup
- Group of image formats that are comparable across Android and iOS platforms.
- IosAccessLevel
- OrderOptionType
- PermissionState
- Android: The effective values are authorized or denied.
- PMRequestState
- Current asset loading status
- ResizeContentMode
- Resize content mode
- ResizeMode
- Resize strategy, useful when need exact image size. It's must be used only for iOS Apple resize mode documentation
- ResolutionPreset
- Affect the quality of video recording and image capture:
- SpecialImageType
- SpecialItemPosition
- Provide an item slot for custom widget insertion. 提供一个自定义位置供特殊item放入资源列表中。
- SpecialPickerType
Alex (
2020/7/8 12:32 - ThumbFormat
- For generality, only support jpg and png.
- AssetEntityExtension on AssetEntity
- 扩展 AssetEntity
- FileExtension on File
- 扩展File
- PermissionStateExt on PermissionState
- See PermissionState.
- Uint8ListExtension on Uint8List
- 扩展 uint8List
) → Future< List< CameraDescription> > - Completes with a list of available cameras.
BuildContext context, {required ImageProvider< Object> imageProvider}) → void - 显示图片弹窗
BuildContext context, {String takePicText = '拍照', String albumText = '相册中选择', String cancelText = '取消', bool isAllowRecording = false, bool isOnlyAllowRecording = false, bool enableAudio = false, Duration maximumRecordingDuration = const Duration(seconds: 15), ResolutionPreset resolutionPreset = ResolutionPreset.high, List< AssetEntity> ? selectedAssets, RequestType requestType = RequestType.image, int maxAssets = 1, ValueChanged<AssetEntity?> ? onCameraCallback, ValueChanged<List< ? onAlbumCallback}) → voidAssetEntity> ?> - 快速选择
Asset> = FutureOr< bool> Function(BuildContext context, Asset asset, bool isSelected) - Predicate whether an asset can be selected or unselected. 判断资源可否被选择
- IndicatorBuilder = Widget Function(BuildContext context, bool isAssetsEmpty)
- onLatestImageAvailable = dynamic Function(CameraImage image)
- Signature for a callback receiving the a camera image.
Exceptions / Errors
- CameraException
- This is thrown when the plugin reports an error.