call method
Call this function with the given arguments.
App call([
Object? x1,
Object? x2,
Object? x3,
Object? x4,
Object? x5,
Object? x6,
Object? x7,
Object? x8,
Object? x9,
]) {
if (x1 is Iterable<Object> && x2 == null) {
return appN(this,$));
final args = <Expr>[
if (x1 != null) $(x1),
if (x2 != null) $(x2),
if (x3 != null) $(x3),
if (x4 != null) $(x4),
if (x5 != null) $(x5),
if (x6 != null) $(x6),
if (x7 != null) $(x7),
if (x8 != null) $(x8),
if (x9 != null) $(x9),
return appN(this, args);