Build pub package

This packages provides you with a new annotation @FirestoreConverter(defaultPath: 'someDataPath') to easily generate Firestore with_converter implementations in order to reduce boilerplate code for data models.

It is best used in conjunction with other annotations like freezed or json_serializable, but it is not a requirement.

Reduce boilerplate code


part 'example.freezed.dart';
part 'example.g.dart';

class Example<T> with _$Example<T> {
  factory Example(int a) = _Example;
  factory Example.fromJson(Map<String, Object?> json) => _$ExampleFromJson(json);

CollectionReference<Example> exampleCollection(
    [String path = 'examples']) {
  return FirebaseFirestore.instance
      fromFirestore: (snapshot, _) =>
      toFirestore: (instance, _) => instance.toJson());

DocumentReference<Example> exampleDoc(
    {String path = 'examples', required String docId}) {
  return FirebaseFirestore.instance
      fromFirestore: (snapshot, _) =>
      toFirestore: (instance, _) => instance.toJson());


part 'example.firestore_converter.dart';
part 'example.freezed.dart';
part 'example.g.dart';

@FirestoreConverter(defaultPath: 'examples')
class Example<T> with _$Example<T> {
  factory Example(int a) = _Example;
  factory Example.fromJson(Map<String, Object?> json) => _$ExampleFromJson(json);


You will need to install build_runner in order to run the code generation. Install firestore_converter_generator as dev dependency. The package firestore_converter needs to be added as regular dependency for enabling the annotation:

flutter pub add dev:build_runner
flutter pub add dev:firestore_converter_generator
flutter pub add firestore_converter

Migration for versions before 1.0.8

If you have been using a version of firestore_converter before 1.0.8, please follow the following steps:

Due to some refactoring of the early version, the package firestore_converter_annotation became obsolete, and the annotation is now in firestore_converter.

flutter pub remove firestore_converter_annotation
flutter pub remove firestore_converter
flutter pub add dev:build_runner
flutter pub add dev:firestore_converter_generator
flutter pub add firestore_converter

In your source code, replace

import 'package:firestore_converter_annotation/firestore_converter_annotation.dart;'


import 'package:firestore_converter/firestore_converter.dart';


Annotate a data class with @FirestoreConverter(defaultPath: 'someDataPathInFirestore') to generate two helper functions:

  • ${modelClassName}Collection
  • ${modelClassName}Doc

Please note that this will be functions, not members since there is currently no way to add static functions via code generation to the model class. The initial letter of the model name will be converted to lowercase, to conform with the dart function naming conventions.

Implement fromJson and toJson

Since firestore_converter relies on fromJson and toJson to be present in the annotated model class, you should probably also add either freezed, json_serializable or some other annotation that will provide you with a convenient implementation of those two functions.

You can also implement them manually, although that would probably defeat the reason of using code generation in the first place.

Things to note

  • JSON conversion with fromJson and toJson must be enabled / implemented.

  • Uses the given path as default argument for collection and doc.

  • Does not support default settings from build.yaml since path settings are individual per model class.

Example using firestore_converter with freezed

Define your model class, e.g. example.dart:

part 'example.firestore_converter.dart';
part 'example.freezed.dart';
part 'example.g.dart';

@FirestoreConverter(defaultPath: 'examples')
class Example<T> with _$Example<T> {
  factory Example(int a) = _Example;
  factory Example.fromJson(Map<String, Object?> json) => _$ExampleFromJson(json);

Run the code generation to generate example.firestore_converter.dart:

flutter pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs 

Start using it:

// Now you can easily create fully typed CollectionReferences,  DocumentReferences,
// or SnapShot objects from Firebase:
CollectionReference<Example> col1 = exampleCollection().orderBy('date', descending: true); // defaults to annotated path 'examples'
CollectionReference<Example> col2 = exampleCollection('some_other_path').orderBy('a', descending: true);
DocumentReference<Example> doc = exampleDoc(docId: 'exampleId'); // defaults to annotated path 'examples'
DocumentReference<Example> doc = exampleDoc(path: 'some_other_path', docId: 'exampleId');

// retrieve some document data
var myDoc = exampleDoc(path: 'some_other_path', docId: 'exampleId').get();
// Access typed members directly from the snapshot


Read the Firebase documentation about withConverter here: