ApiPost.fromJson constructor

  1. Map<String, dynamic> json

Return ApiPost instance from json that comes from backend.

ApiPost.fromJson({}) // This works for test

You may want to clone a post. Then do the following;

ApiPost clone = ApiPost.fromJson(this.posts.first.data);

When you want to put a post into cart, the post must not be referenced. In that case,

 / 아이템 복사. 카트에 들어간 아이템은 변경이 되면 안되고, 동일한 상품도 중복으로 넣을 수 있어야 히기 때문에, 현재 아이템을 복사해서 카트에 넣어야 한다.
 ApiPost clone = ApiPost.fromJson(item.data);
 item.options.keys.forEach((k) {
 / ApiItemOption 도 레퍼런스로 연결되기 때문에, 복제를 해야 한다.
   clone.options[k] = ApiItemOption(
     count: item.options[k].count,
     discountRate: item.options[k].discountRate,
    price: item.options[k].price,
    text: item.options[k].text);


factory ApiPost.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
  final List<ApiFile> files = json["files"] == null || json["files"] == ''
      ? []
      : List<ApiFile>.from(json["files"].map((x) => ApiFile.fromJson(x)));
  return ApiPost(
    data: json,
    idx: "${json["idx"]}",
    categoryId: json['categoryId'],
    title: json["title"] ?? '',
    content: json["content"] ?? '',

    user: ApiShortUser.fromJson(json['user']),

    /// Updates
    userIdx: "${json['userIdx']}",
    rootIdx: "${json['rootIdx']}",
    parentIdx: "${json['parentIdx']}",
    relationIdx: "${json['relationIdx']}",
    categoryIdx: "${json['categoryIdx']}",
    subcategory: json['subcategory'],
    path: json['path'],
    createdAt: "${json["createdAt"]}",
    updatedAt: "${json["updatedAt"]}",
    deletedAt: "${json["deletedAt"]}",
    y: "${json['Y']}",
    n: "${json['N']}",
    private: json['private'],
    privateTitle: json['privateTitle'],
    privateContent: json['privateContent'],

    appliedPoint: "${json['appliedPoint']}",
    code: json['code'],

    files: files,
        json["comments"] == null ? [] : List<ApiComment>.from(json["comments"].map((x) => ApiComment.fromJson(x))),

    // DateTime.parse(json["post_date"] ?? DateTime.now().toString())

    /// Shopping Mall
    shortTitle: json["shortTitle"],
    price: _parseInt(json["price"]) ?? 0,
    optionItemPrice: json["optionItemPrice"] == 'Y' ? true : false,
    discountRate: _parseInt(json["discountRate"]),
    pause: json["pause"] == 'Y' ? true : false,
    point: json["point"] == null ? 0 : _parseInt(json["point"]),
    volume: json["volume"],
    deliveryFee: _parseInt(json["deliveryFee"]),
    storageMethod: json["storageMethod"],
    expiry: json["expiry"],
    foodKind: json['food_kind'],
    origin: json['origin'],
    allergy: json['allergy'],
    nutritiveComponents: json['nutritive_components'],

    primaryPhoto: files.firstWhereOrNull((f) => f.code == 'primaryPhoto')?.idx ?? '',
    widgetPhoto: files.firstWhereOrNull((f) => f.code == 'widgetPhoto')?.idx ?? '',
    detailPhoto: files.firstWhereOrNull((f) => f.code == 'detailPhoto')?.idx ?? '',
    bannerPhoto: files.firstWhereOrNull((f) => f.code == 'bannerPhoto')?.idx ?? '',
    keywords: json['keywords'] ?? '',
    options: _prepareOptions(json['options'], json["optionItemPrice"] == 'Y' ? true : false),

    shortDateTime: json['shortDate'] ?? '',