StorageService class


customize StorageCustomize
getter/setter pair
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


chooseUploadSource({required BuildContext context, bool camera = true, bool gallery = true}) Future<ImageSource?>
이미지 업로드 소스(갤러리 또는 카메라) 선택창을 보여주고, 선택된 소스를 반환한다.
delete(String? url) Future<void>
Delete the uploaded file in Firebase Storage by the url.
getAllImagesUrl(String uid) Future<List<String>>
getFilePathFromPicker({required ImageSource? source, double maxHeight = 1024, double maxWidth = 1024}) Future<String?>
init({StorageCustomize? customize}) → dynamic
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
showUploads(BuildContext context, List<String> urls, {int index = 0}) → dynamic
여러 이미지를 화면에 보여준다.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
upload({required BuildContext context, dynamic progress(double)?, dynamic complete()?, int compressQuality = 80, String? saveAs, bool camera = true, bool gallery = true, double maxHeight = 1024, double maxWidth = 1024}) Future<String?>
Update photos in the Firebase Storage.
uploadAt({required BuildContext context, required String path, dynamic progress(double)?, dynamic complete()?, int compressQuality = 80, String? saveAs, bool camera = true, bool gallery = true, double maxHeight = 1024, double maxWidth = 1024}) Future<String?>
Upload a file (or an image) and save the url at the node in Realtime database.
uploadFile({dynamic progress(double)?, Function? complete, int compressQuality = 0, String? path, String? saveAs, String? type}) Future<String?>
Upload a file (or an image) to Firebase Storage.
uploadFrom({required ImageSource? source, dynamic progress(double)?, Function? complete, int compressQuality = 80, String? saveAs, String? type, double maxHeight = 1024, double maxWidth = 1024}) Future<String?>
Call this if method of uploading (like, from camera) is already known.
uploadMultiple({dynamic progress(double)?, Function? complete, int compressQuality = 80, String? type, double maxHeight = 1024, double maxWidth = 1024}) Future<List<String?>?>


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Properties

instance StorageService
no setter