FirebaseGameServicesAchievements extension



hideAccessPoint() Future<String?>
Hide the iOS Access Point.
increment({dynamic achievement = Achievement}) Future<String?>
Increment an achievement. Achievement takes two parameters: androidID the achievement id for android. steps If the achievement is of the incremental type you can use this method to increment the steps.
showAccessPoint(AccessPointLocation location, {bool showHighlights = false}) Future<String?>
Show the iOS Access Point.
showAchievements() Future<String?>
It will open the achievements screen.
showAllLeaderboards() Future<String?>
Presents the list of leaderboards.
showLeaderboards({dynamic iOSLeaderboardID = "", dynamic androidLeaderboardID = ""}) Future<String?>
Opens a single leaderboard screen.
showSingleLeaderboard({dynamic iOSLeaderboardID = "", dynamic androidLeaderboardID = ""}) Future<String?>
Opens a single leaderboard screen.
submitScore({dynamic score = Score}) Future<String?>
Submit a score to specific leader board. Score takes three parameters: androidLeaderboardID the leader board id that you want to send the score for in case of android. iOSLeaderboardID the leader board id that you want to send the score for in case of iOS. value the score.
unlock({dynamic achievement = Achievement}) Future<String?>
Unlock an achievement. Achievement takes three parameters: androidID the achievement id for android. iOSID the achievement id for iOS. percentComplete the completion percent of the achievement, this parameter is optional in case of iOS.