FirebaseAuth class abstract

The entry point of the Firebase Authentication SDK.


FirebaseAuth.instanceFor({required FirebaseApp app})
Returns an instance using a specified FirebaseApp.


app FirebaseApp
The FirebaseApp for this current Auth instance.
no setter
currentUser User?
Returns the current User if they are currently signed-in, or null if not.
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
languageCode String?
The current Auth instance's language code.
no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


applyActionCode(String code) Future<void>
Applies a verification code sent to the user by email or other out-of-band mechanism.
authStateChanges() Stream<User?>
Notifies about changes to the user's sign-in state (such as sign-in or sign-out).
checkActionCode(String code) Future<ActionCodeInfo>
Checks a verification code sent to the user by email or other out-of-band mechanism.
confirmPasswordReset(String oobCode, String newPassword) Future<void>
Completes the password reset process, given a confirmation code and new password.
createUserWithEmailAndPassword({required String email, required String password}) Future<UserCredential>
Tries to create a new user account with the given email address and password.
fetchSignInMethodsForEmail(String email) Future<List<String>>
Returns a list of sign-in methods that can be used to sign in a given user (identified by its main email address).
getRedirectResult() Future<UserCredential>
Returns a UserCredential from the redirect-based sign-in flow.
idTokenChanges() Stream<User?>
Notifies about changes to the user's sign-in state (such as sign-in or sign-out) and also token refresh events.
Checks if an incoming link is a sign-in with email link.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
sendPasswordResetEmail({required String email, ActionCodeSettings? actionCodeSettings}) Future<void>
Sends a password reset email to the given email address.
sendSignInLinkToEmail({required String email, required ActionCodeSettings actionCodeSettings}) Future<void>
Sends a sign in with email link to provided email address.
setLanguageCode(String language) Future<void>
When set to null, the default Firebase Console language setting is applied.
setPersistence(Persistence persistence) Future<void>
Changes the current type of persistence on the current Auth instance for the currently saved Auth session and applies this type of persistence for future sign-in requests, including sign-in with redirect requests.
signInAnonymously() Future<UserCredential>
Asynchronously creates and becomes an anonymous user.
signInWithAuthProvider(AuthProvider provider) Future<UserCredential>
Signs in with an AuthProvider using native authentication flow.
signInWithCredential(AuthCredential credential) Future<UserCredential>
Asynchronously signs in to Firebase with the given 3rd-party credentials (e.g. a Facebook login Access Token, a Google ID Token/Access Token pair, etc.) and returns additional identity provider data.
signInWithCustomToken(String token) Future<UserCredential>
Tries to sign in a user with a given custom token.
signInWithEmailAndPassword({required String email, required String password}) Future<UserCredential>
Attempts to sign in a user with the given email address and password.
Signs in using an email address and email sign-in link.
signInWithPhoneNumber(String phoneNumber, [RecaptchaVerifier? verifier]) Future<ConfirmationResult>
Starts a sign-in flow for a phone number.
signInWithPopup(AuthProvider provider) Future<UserCredential>
Authenticates a Firebase client using a popup-based OAuth authentication flow.
signInWithRedirect(AuthProvider provider) Future<void>
Authenticates a Firebase client using a full-page redirect flow.
signOut() Future<void>
Signs out the current user.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
userChanges() Stream<User?>
Notifies about changes to any user updates.
verifyPasswordResetCode(String code) Future<String>
Checks a password reset code sent to the user by email or other out-of-band mechanism.
verifyPhoneNumber({String? phoneNumber, PhoneMultiFactorInfo? multiFactorInfo, required PhoneVerificationCompleted verificationCompleted, required PhoneVerificationFailed verificationFailed, required PhoneCodeSent codeSent, required PhoneCodeAutoRetrievalTimeout codeAutoRetrievalTimeout, String? autoRetrievedSmsCodeForTesting, Duration timeout = const Duration(seconds: 30), int? forceResendingToken, MultiFactorSession? multiFactorSession, RecaptchaVerifier? verifier}) Future<void>
Starts a phone number verification process for the given phone number.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Properties

instance FirebaseAuth
Returns an instance using the default FirebaseApp.