firebase_auth_platform_interface library
- ActionCodeInfo
A response from calling
. - ActionCodeInfoData
- The data associated with the action code.
- ActionCodeSettings
- Interface that defines the required continue/state URL with optional Android and iOS bundle identifiers.
- AdditionalUserInfo
- A structure containing additional user information from a federated identity provider.
- AppleAuthCredential
- The auth credential returned from calling AppleAuthProvider.credential.
- AppleAuthProvider
- This class should be used to either create a new Apple credential with an access code, or use the provider to trigger user authentication flows.
- AuthCredential
- Interface that represents the credentials returned by an auth provider. Implementations specify the details about each auth provider's credential requirements.
- AuthProvider
- A base class which all providers must extend.
- ConfirmationResultPlatform
Interface for
implementations. - EmailAuthCredential
- The auth credential returned from calling EmailAuthProvider.credential.
- EmailAuthProvider
- A EmailAuthCredential can be created by calling EmailAuthProvider.credential with an email and password.
- FacebookAuthCredential
- The auth credential returned from calling FacebookAuthProvider.credential.
- FacebookAuthProvider
- This class should be used to either create a new Facebook credential with an access code, or use the provider to trigger user authentication flows.
- FirebaseAuthPlatform
The interface that implementations of
must extend. - GithubAuthCredential
- The auth credential returned from calling GithubAuthProvider.credential.
- GithubAuthProvider
- This class should be used to either create a new GitHub credential with an access code, or use the provider to trigger user authentication flows.
- GoogleAuthCredential
- The auth credential returned from calling GoogleAuthProvider.credential.
- GoogleAuthProvider
- This class should be used to either create a new Google credential with an access code, or use the provider to trigger user authentication flows.
- IdTokenResult
Interface representing ID token result obtained from
. It contains the ID token JWT string and other helper properties for getting different data associated with the token as well as all the decoded payload claims. - MicrosoftAuthCredential
- The auth credential returned from calling MicrosoftAuthProvider.credential.
- MicrosoftAuthProvider
- This class should be used to either create a new Microsoft credential with an access code, or use the provider to trigger user authentication flows.
- MultiFactorAssertionPlatform
- Represents an assertion that the Firebase Authentication server can use to authenticate a user as part of a multi-factor flow.
- MultiFactorInfo
- Represents a single second factor means for the user.
- MultiFactorPlatform
The platform defining the interface of multi-factor related
properties and operations pertaining to a
. - MultiFactorResolverPlatform
- Utility class that contains methods to resolve second factor requirements on users that have opted into two-factor authentication.
- MultiFactorSession
- Identifies the current session to enroll a second factor or to complete sign in when previously enrolled.
- OAuthCredential
- A generic OAuth credential.
- OAuthProvider
- A generic provider instance.
- PhoneAuthCredential
- The auth credential returned from calling PhoneAuthProvider.credential.
- PhoneAuthProvider
- This class should be used to either create a new Phone credential with an verification ID and SMS code.
- PhoneMultiFactorGeneratorPlatform
- Helper class used to generate PhoneMultiFactorAssertions.
- PhoneMultiFactorInfo
- Represents the information for a phone second factor.
- PigeonIdTokenResult
- PigeonUserDetails
- PigeonUserInfo
- RecaptchaVerifierFactoryPlatform
- A factory platform class for Recaptcha Verifier implementations.
- SAMLAuthProvider
- Security Assertion Markup Language based provider.
- TotpMultiFactorGeneratorPlatform
- Helper class used to generate TotpMultiFactorAssertions.
- TotpMultiFactorInfo
- Represents the information for a phone second factor.
- TotpSecretPlatform
- Helper class used to generate TotpMultiFactorAssertions.
- TwitterAuthCredential
- The auth credential returned from calling TwitterAuthProvider.credential.
- TwitterAuthProvider
- This class should be used to either create a new Twitter credential with an access code, or use the provider to trigger user authentication flows.
- UserCredentialPlatform
A UserCredential is returned from authentication requests such as
. - UserInfo
- User profile information, visible only to the Firebase project's apps.
- UserMetadata
- Interface representing a user's metadata.
- UserPlatform
- A user account.
- YahooAuthCredential
- The auth credential returned from calling YahooAuthProvider.credential.
- YahooAuthProvider
- This class should be used to either create a new Yahoo credential with an access code, or use the provider to trigger user authentication flows.
- ActionCodeInfoOperation
The type of operation that generated the action code from calling
. - Persistence
- An enumeration of the possible persistence mechanism types.
- RecaptchaVerifierSize
- A enum to represent a reCAPTCHA widget size.
- RecaptchaVerifierTheme
- A enum to represent a reCAPTCHA widget theme.
- PhoneCodeAutoRetrievalTimeout = void Function(String verificationId)
- Typedef for handling automatic phone number timeout resolution.
- PhoneCodeSent = void Function(String verificationId, int? forceResendingToken)
- Typedef for handling when Firebase sends a SMS code to the provided phone number.
- PhoneVerificationCompleted = void Function(PhoneAuthCredential phoneAuthCredential)
- Typedef for a automatic phone number resolution.
- PhoneVerificationFailed = void Function(FirebaseAuthException error)
- Typedef for handling errors via phone number verification.
- RecaptchaVerifierOnError = void Function(FirebaseAuthException exception)
- Called when the reCAPTCHA widget errors (such as a network error).
- RecaptchaVerifierOnExpired = void Function()
- Called when the time to complete the reCAPTCHA widget expires.
- RecaptchaVerifierOnSuccess = void Function()
- Called on successful completion of the reCAPTCHA widget.
Exceptions / Errors
- FirebaseAuthException
- Generic exception related to Firebase Authentication. Check the error code and message for more details.
- FirebaseAuthMultiFactorExceptionPlatform
- MultiFactor exception related to Firebase Authentication. Check the error code and message for more details.