customAuthDomain property

String? get customAuthDomain

The current Auth instance's custom auth domain. The auth domain used to handle redirects from OAuth provides, for example "". By default, this is set to null and default auth domain is used.

If not null, this value will supersede authDomain property set in initializeApp.


String? get customAuthDomain {
  return _delegate.customAuthDomain;
set customAuthDomain (String? customAuthDomain)

Set the current Auth instance's auth domain for apple and android platforms. The auth domain used to handle redirects from OAuth provides, for example "". By default, this is set to null and default auth domain is used.

If not null, this value will supersede authDomain property set in initializeApp.


set customAuthDomain(String? customAuthDomain) {
  // Web and windows do not support setting custom auth domains on the auth instance
  if (defaultTargetPlatform == || kIsWeb) {
    final message = defaultTargetPlatform ==
        ? 'Cannot set custom auth domain on a FirebaseAuth instance for windows platform'
        : 'Cannot set custom auth domain on a FirebaseAuth instance. Set the custom auth domain on `FirebaseOptions.authDomain` instance and pass into `Firebase.initializeApp()` instead.';
    throw UnimplementedError(
  _delegate.customAuthDomain = customAuthDomain;