photo_view library


A class that work as a enum. It overloads the operator * saving the double as a multiplier.
The default implementation of PhotoViewControllerBase.
PhotoViewControllerBase<T extends PhotoViewControllerValue>
The interface in which controllers will be implemented.
The state value stored and streamed by PhotoViewController.
An InheritedWidget responsible to give a axis aware scope to PhotoViewGestureRecognizer.
A controller responsible only by scaleState.


A way to represent the step of the "doubletap gesture cycle" in which PhotoView is.


LoadingBuilder = Widget Function(BuildContext context, ImageChunkEvent? event)
A type definition for a callback to show a widget while the image is loading, a ImageChunkEvent is passed to inform progress
PhotoViewImageScaleEndCallback = dynamic Function(BuildContext context, ScaleEndDetails details, PhotoViewControllerValue controllerValue)
A type definition for a callback when a user finished scale
PhotoViewImageTapDownCallback = dynamic Function(BuildContext context, TapDownDetails details, PhotoViewControllerValue controllerValue)
A type definition for a callback when the user taps down the photoview region
PhotoViewImageTapUpCallback = dynamic Function(BuildContext context, TapUpDetails details, PhotoViewControllerValue controllerValue)
A type definition for a callback when the user taps up the photoview region
ScaleStateCycle = PhotoViewScaleState Function(PhotoViewScaleState actual)
A type definition for a Function that receives the actual PhotoViewScaleState and returns the next one It is used internally to walk in the "doubletap gesture cycle". It is passed to PhotoView.scaleStateCycle
ScaleStateListener = void Function(double prevScale, double nextScale)