atomicMove method

Future<void> atomicMove(
  1. String source,
  2. String target

Moves source to target in-place if the underlying file system supports it. If target exists, it is first removed. If source == target, this operation does nothing. This may be used to move a file or a directory.

Only as Atomic as the Underlying File System Supports

FAT and NTFS file systems cannot atomically move a file over an existing file. If the target file already exists, the move is performed into two steps:

  1. Atomically delete the target file.
  2. Atomically rename the source file to the target file.

The delete step and move step are each atomic but not atomic in aggregate! If this process crashes, the host operating system crashes, or the hardware fails it is possible that the delete step will succeed and the rename will not.

Entire-file or nothing

These are the possible results of this operation:

  • This operation returns normally, the source file is absent, and the target file contains the data previously held by the source file. This is the success case.

  • The operation throws an exception and the file system is unchanged. For example, this occurs if this process lacks permissions to perform the move.

  • This operation throws an exception, the target file is deleted, but the source file is unchanged. This is the partial failure case described above and is only possible on file systems like FAT and NTFS that do not support atomic file replacement. Typically in such cases this operation won't return at all because the process or operating system has also crashed.

There is no failure mode where the target file holds a subset of the bytes of the source file. If the rename step cannot be performed atomically, this function will throw an IOException before attempting a move. Typically this occurs if the source and target files are on different physical volumes.

Non-Atomic Moves

If you need to move files across volumes, use copy followed by delete, and change your application logic to recover should the copy step suffer a partial failure.


Future<void> atomicMove(String source, String target) =>
    entity(source).then((e) async {
      if (e == null) {
        throw FileSystemException('No such file or directory', source);
      await directory(p.dirname(target)).create(recursive: true);
      await e.rename(target);