FileSystemShortcuts extension



atomicMove(String source, String target) Future<void>
Moves source to target in-place if the underlying file system supports it. If target exists, it is first removed. If source == target, this operation does nothing. This may be used to move a file or a directory.
copy(String source, String target) Future<FileSystemEntity>
createDirectory(dynamic path, {bool recursive = false}) Future<Directory>
Creates the directory if it doesn't exist.
createDirectorySync({bool recursive = false}) → void
Synchronously creates the directory if it doesn't exist.
Creates a symbolic link in the file system.
createLinkSync(dynamic path, {bool recursive = false}) → void
Creates a symbolic link in the file system.
delete(String path, {bool mustExist = false}) Future<void>
Deletes the FileSystemEntity reference by path.
deleteSync(String path, {bool mustExist = false}) → void
Synchronously deletes the FileSystemEntity reference by path.
entity(String path) Future<FileSystemEntity?>
Returns a reference to a FileSystemEntity at path.
entitySync(String path) FileSystemEntity?
Synchronously returns a reference to a FileSystemEntity at path.
exists(String path) Future<bool>
Checks whether the file system entity with this path exists.
existsSync(String path) bool
Synchronously checks whether the file system entity with this path exists.
isCivilized(String path) Future<bool>
Returns true if file streams can be manipulated independently of their paths. This is typically true for systems like Mac, Unix, and Linux that use inodes in their file system interface. It is typically false on Windows.
open(dynamic path, {FileMode mode =, bool recursive = false}) Future<FileHandle>
Creates a FileHandle to handle path.
openAppendingSink(dynamic path, {bool recursive = false}) Future<Sink>
openSink(dynamic path, {int position = 0, bool recursive = false}) Future<Sink>
openSource(dynamic path, {int position = 0}) Future<Source>
read<T>(String path, FutureOr<T> block(BufferedSource source), [int? start, int? end]) Future<T>
Creates a source to read path, executes block to read it, and then closes the source. This is a compact way to read the contents of a file.
sink(String path, {FileMode mode = FileMode.write, bool recursive = false}) Future<Sink>
Creates a Sink that writes bytes to path from beginning to end. If path already exists it will be replaced with the new data.
source(String path, [int? start, int? end]) Future<Source>
Creates a source that reads the bytes of path from beginning to end.
write<T>(String path, FutureOr<T> block(BufferedSink sink), {FileMode mode = FileMode.write, bool recursive = false}) Future<T>
Creates a sink to write path, executes block to write it, and then closes the sink. This is a compact way to write a file.