getSize method
can be passed as number or as string
the optional parameter PrecisionValue specifies the number
of digits after comma/point (default is PrecisionValue.Two)
FileSize.getSize(1024, precisionValue = PrecisionValue.Four)
String getSize(dynamic size,
{PrecisionValue precisionValue = PrecisionValue.Two}) {
int divider = 1024;
int _size;
this._precisionValue = precisionValue;
try {
_size = size is int ? size : int.parse(size.toString());
} on FormatException catch (e) {
throw FormatException("Can not parse the size parameter: ${e.message}");
if (_size < divider) return getBytes(_size);
if (_size < _getDividerValue(2)) return getKiloBytes(_size);
if (_size < _getDividerValue(3)) return getMegaBytes(_size);
if (_size < _getDividerValue(4)) return getGigaBytes(_size);
if (_size < _getDividerValue(5)) return getTeraBytes(_size);
if (_size < _getDividerValue(6)) return getPetaBytes(_size);
if (_size < _getDividerValue(7)) return getExaBytes(_size);
if (_size < _getDividerValue(8)) return getYottaBytes(_size);
if (_size < _getDividerValue(9)) return getZettaBytes(_size);
return getZettaBytes(_size);