setDataSource method

Future<void> setDataSource(
  1. String path, {
  2. bool autoPlay = false,
  3. bool showCover = false,

Set data source for this player

path must be a valid uri, otherwise this method return ArgumentError

set assets as data source first add assets in app's pubspec.yml assets: - assets/butterfly.mp4

pass "asset:///assets/butterfly.mp4" to path scheme is asset, :// is scheme's separator, / is path's separator.

If set autoPlay true, player will stat to play. The behavior of setDataSource(url, autoPlay: true) is like await setDataSource(url); await setOption(FijkOption.playerCategory, "start-on-prepared", 1); await prepareAsync();

If set showCover true, player will display the first video frame and then enter FijkState.paused state. The behavior of setDataSource(url, showCover: true) is like await setDataSource(url); await setOption(FijkOption.playerCategory, "cover-after-prepared", 1); await prepareAsync();

If both autoPlay and showCover are true, showCover will be ignored.


Future<void> setDataSource(
  String path, {
  bool autoPlay = false,
  bool showCover = false,
}) async {
  if (path.length == 0 || Uri.tryParse(path) == null) {
    FijkLog.e("$this setDataSource invalid path:$path");
    return Future.error(
        ArgumentError.value(path, "path must be a valid url"));
  if (autoPlay == true && showCover == true) {
        "call setDataSource with both autoPlay and showCover true, showCover will be ignored");
  await _nativeSetup.future;
  if (state == FijkState.idle || state == FijkState.initialized) {
    try {
      FijkLog.i("$this invoke setDataSource $path");
      _dataSource = path;
      await _channel
          .invokeMethod("setDataSource", <String, dynamic>{'url': path});
    } on PlatformException catch (e) {
      return _errorListener(e);
    if (autoPlay == true) {
      await start();
    } else if (showCover == true) {
      await setOption(FijkOption.playerCategory, "cover-after-prepared", 1);
      await prepareAsync();
  } else {
    FijkLog.e("$this setDataSource invalid state:$state");
    return Future.error(StateError("setDataSource on invalid state $state"));