FhirRequest class

The class for making requests to a FHIR server

  • @freezed


FhirRequest.batch({required Uri base, @Default(false) bool pretty, @Default(Summary.none) Summary summary, @Default('json') String format, @Default(<String>[]) List<String> elements, @Default(<String>[]) List<String> parameters, required Bundle bundle, MimeType? mimeType, @Default('application/fhir+json') String accept, @JsonKey(includeFromJson: false, includeToJson: false) Client? client, Map<String, String>? headers})
BATCH constructor base - the base URI for the FHIR server pretty - pretty print the json formatting in the response summary - do you want the result to be a summary format - currently requests json, but could consider requesting json+fhir or fhir+json (would not request XML as this library doesn't work with XML) elements - elements you need to pass in parameters - any extra parameters bundle - the bundle to be uploaded mimeType - specify the MimeType in the Header - this should be fhir+json but there are some older systems that won't accept that client - if there's a specific client that you're going to be using
FhirRequest.capabilities({required Uri base, @Default(false) bool pretty, @Default(Summary.none) Summary summary, @Default('json') String format, @Default(<String>[]) List<String> elements, @Default(<String>[]) List<String> parameters, @Default(Mode.full) Mode mode, MimeType? mimeType, @Default('application/fhir+json') String accept, @JsonKey(includeFromJson: false, includeToJson: false) Client? client, Map<String, String>? headers})
SEARCH-ALL constructor base - the base URI for the FHIR server pretty - pretty print the json formatting in the response summary - do you want the result to be a summary format - currently requests json, but could consider requesting json+fhir or fhir+json (would not request XML as this library doesn't work with XML) elements - elements you need to pass in parameters - any extra parameters mode - defines the mode as defined https://www.hl7.org/fhir/http.html#capabilities mimeType - specify the MimeType in the Header - this should be fhir+json but there are some older systems that won't accept that client - if there's a specific client that you're going to be using
FhirRequest.create({required Uri base, required Resource resource, @Default(false) bool pretty, @Default(Summary.none) Summary summary, @Default('json') String format, @Default(<String>[]) List<String> elements, @Default(<String>[]) List<String> parameters, MimeType? mimeType, @Default('application/fhir+json') String accept, @JsonKey(includeFromJson: false, includeToJson: false) Client? client, Map<String, String>? headers})
CREATE constructor base - the base URI for the FHIR server pretty - pretty print the json formatting in the response summary - do you want the result to be a summary format - currently requests json, but could consider requesting json+fhir or fhir+json (would not request XML as this library doesn't work with XML) elements - elements you need to pass in parameters - any extra parameters mimeType - specify the MimeType in the Header - this should be fhir+json but there are some older systems that won't accept that client - if there's a specific client that you're going to be using
FhirRequest.delete({required Uri base, required R5ResourceType type, required String fhirId, @Default(false) bool pretty, @Default(Summary.none) Summary summary, @Default('json') String format, @Default(<String>[]) List<String> elements, @Default(<String>[]) List<String> parameters, MimeType? mimeType, @Default('application/fhir+json') String accept, @JsonKey(includeFromJson: false, includeToJson: false) Client? client, Map<String, String>? headers})
DELETE constructor base - the base URI for the FHIR server type - the type of resource you're looking for fhirId - the id for the resource pretty - pretty print the json formatting in the response summary - do you want the result to be a summary format - currently requests json, but could consider requesting json+fhir or fhir+json (would not request XML as this library doesn't work with XML) elements - elements you need to pass in parameters - any extra parameters mimeType - specify the MimeType in the Header - this should be fhir+json but there are some older systems that won't accept that client - if there's a specific client that you're going to be using
FhirRequest.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json)
Factory constructor, accepts Map<String, dynamic> as an argument
FhirRequest.fromJsonString(String source)
Acts like a constructor, returns a FhirRequest, accepts a String as an argument, mostly because I got tired of typing it out
FhirRequest.history({required Uri base, required R5ResourceType type, required String fhirId, @Default(false) bool pretty, @Default(Summary.none) Summary summary, @Default('json') String format, @Default(<String>[]) List<String> elements, @Default(<String>[]) List<String> parameters, int? count, FhirInstant? since, FhirDateTime? at, String? reference, MimeType? mimeType, @Default('application/fhir+json') String accept, @JsonKey(includeFromJson: false, includeToJson: false) Client? client, Map<String, String>? headers})
HISTORY constructor base - the base URI for the FHIR server type - the type of resource you're looking for fhirId - the id for the resource pretty - pretty print the json formatting in the response summary - do you want the result to be a summary format - currently requests json, but could consider requesting json+fhir or fhir+json (would not request XML as this library doesn't work with XML) elements - elements you need to pass in parameters - any extra parameters count - The maximum number of search results on a page, excluding related resources included by _include or _revinclude or OperationOutcomes. The server is not bound to return the number requested, but cannot return more since - Only include resource versions that were created at or after the given instant in time at - Only include resource versions that were current at some point during the time period specified in the date time value reference - Only include resource versions that are referenced in the specified list mimeType - specify the MimeType in the Header - this should be fhir+json but there are some older systems that won't accept that client - if there's a specific client that you're going to be using
FhirRequest.historyAll({required Uri base, @Default(false) bool pretty, @Default(Summary.none) Summary summary, @Default('json') String format, @Default(<String>[]) List<String> elements, @Default(<String>[]) List<String> parameters, int? count, FhirInstant? since, FhirDateTime? at, String? reference, MimeType? mimeType, @Default('application/fhir+json') String accept, @JsonKey(includeFromJson: false, includeToJson: false) Client? client, Map<String, String>? headers})
HISTORY-ALL constructor base - the base URI for the FHIR server pretty - pretty print the json formatting in the response summary - do you want the result to be a summary format - currently requests json, but could consider requesting json+fhir or fhir+json (would not request XML as this library doesn't work with XML) elements - elements you need to pass in parameters - any extra parameters count - The maximum number of search results on a page, excluding related resources included by _include or _revinclude or OperationOutcomes. The server is not bound to return the number requested, but cannot return more since - Only include resource versions that were created at or after the given instant in time at - Only include resource versions that were current at some point during the time period specified in the date time value reference - Only include resource versions that are referenced in the specified list mimeType - specify the MimeType in the Header - this should be fhir+json but there are some older systems that won't accept that client - if there's a specific client that you're going to be using
FhirRequest.historyType({required Uri base, required R5ResourceType type, @Default(false) bool pretty, @Default(Summary.none) Summary summary, @Default('json') String format, @Default(<String>[]) List<String> elements, @Default(<String>[]) List<String> parameters, int? count, FhirInstant? since, FhirDateTime? at, String? reference, MimeType? mimeType, @Default('application/fhir+json') String accept, @JsonKey(includeFromJson: false, includeToJson: false) Client? client, Map<String, String>? headers})
HISTORY-TYPE constructor base - the base URI for the FHIR server type - the type of resource you're looking for pretty - pretty print the json formatting in the response summary - do you want the result to be a summary format - currently requests json, but could consider requesting json+fhir or fhir+json (would not request XML as this library doesn't work with XML) elements - elements you need to pass in parameters - any extra parameters count - The maximum number of search results on a page, excluding related resources included by _include or _revinclude or OperationOutcomes. The server is not bound to return the number requested, but cannot return more since - Only include resource versions that were created at or after the given instant in time at - Only include resource versions that were current at some point during the time period specified in the date time value reference - Only include resource versions that are referenced in the specified list mimeType - specify the MimeType in the Header - this should be fhir+json but there are some older systems that won't accept that client - if there's a specific client that you're going to be using
FhirRequest.operation({required Uri base, R5ResourceType? type, String? fhirId, @Default(false) bool pretty, @Default(Summary.none) Summary summary, @Default('json') String format, @Default(<String>[]) List<String> elements, @Default(<String>[]) List<String> parameters, Parameters? fhirParameter, required String operation, @Default(false) bool usePost, @Default(false) bool useFormData, MimeType? mimeType, @Default('application/fhir+json') String accept, @JsonKey(includeFromJson: false, includeToJson: false) Client? client, Map<String, String>? headers})
OPERATION constructor base - the base URI for the FHIR server type - the type of resource you're looking for fhirId - the id for the resource pretty - pretty print the json formatting in the response summary - do you want the result to be a summary format - currently requests json, but could consider requesting json+fhir or fhir+json (would not request XML as this library doesn't work with XML) elements - elements you need to pass in parameters - any extra parameters fhirParameter - any extra fhirParameters usePost - defines if you would prefer to use a post request instead of Get mimeType - specify the MimeType in the Header - this should be fhir+json but there are some older systems that won't accept that client - if there's a specific client that you're going to be using
FhirRequest.patch({required Uri base, required Resource resource, @Default(false) bool pretty, @Default(Summary.none) Summary summary, @Default('json') String format, @Default(<String>[]) List<String> elements, @Default(<String>[]) List<String> parameters, MimeType? mimeType, @Default('application/fhir+json') String accept, @JsonKey(includeFromJson: false, includeToJson: false) Client? client, Map<String, String>? headers})
PATCH constructor base - the base URI for the FHIR server pretty - pretty print the json formatting in the response summary - do you want the result to be a summary format - currently requests json, but could consider requesting json+fhir or fhir+json (would not request XML as this library doesn't work with XML) elements - elements you need to pass in parameters - any extra parameters mimeType - specify the MimeType in the Header - this should be fhir+json but there are some older systems that won't accept that client - if there's a specific client that you're going to be using
FhirRequest.read({required Uri base, required R5ResourceType type, required String fhirId, @Default(false) bool pretty, @Default(Summary.none) Summary summary, @Default('json') String format, @Default(<String>[]) List<String> elements, @Default(<String>[]) List<String> parameters, MimeType? mimeType, @Default('application/fhir+json') String accept, @JsonKey(includeFromJson: false, includeToJson: false) Client? client, Map<String, String>? headers})
READ constructor base - the base URI for the FHIR server type - the type of resource you're looking for fhirId - the id for the resource pretty - pretty print the json formatting in the response summary - do you want the result to be a summary format - currently requests json, but could consider requesting json+fhir or fhir+json (would not request XML as this library doesn't work with XML) elements - elements you need to pass in parameters - any extra parameters mimeType - specify the MimeType in the Header - this should be fhir+json but there are some older systems that won't accept that client - if there's a specific client that you're going to be using
FhirRequest.search({required Uri base, required R5ResourceType type, @Default(false) bool pretty, @Default(Summary.none) Summary summary, @Default('json') String format, @Default(<String>[]) List<String> elements, @Default(<String>[]) List<String> parameters, @Default(false) bool usePost, @Default(RestfulRequest.get_) RestfulRequest restfulRequest, MimeType? mimeType, @Default('application/fhir+json') String accept, @JsonKey(includeFromJson: false, includeToJson: false) Client? client, Map<String, String>? headers})
SEARCH constructor base - the base URI for the FHIR server type - the type of resource you're looking for pretty - pretty print the json formatting in the response summary - do you want the result to be a summary format - currently requests json, but could consider requesting json+fhir or fhir+json (would not request XML as this library doesn't work with XML) elements - elements you need to pass in parameters - any extra parameters usePost - defines if you would prefer to use a post request instead of a get request for this search mimeType - specify the MimeType in the Header - this should be fhir+json but there are some older systems that won't accept that client - if there's a specific client that you're going to be using
FhirRequest.searchAll({required Uri base, @Default(false) bool pretty, @Default(Summary.none) Summary summary, @Default('json') String format, @Default(<String>[]) List<String> elements, @Default(<String>[]) List<String> parameters, MimeType? mimeType, @Default('application/fhir+json') String accept, @JsonKey(includeFromJson: false, includeToJson: false) Client? client, Map<String, String>? headers})
SEARCH-ALL constructor base - the base URI for the FHIR server pretty - pretty print the json formatting in the response summary - do you want the result to be a summary format - currently requests json, but could consider requesting json+fhir or fhir+json (would not request XML as this library doesn't work with XML) elements - elements you need to pass in parameters - any extra parameters mimeType - specify the MimeType in the Header - this should be fhir+json but there are some older systems that won't accept that client - if there's a specific client that you're going to be using
FhirRequest.transaction({required Uri base, @Default(false) bool pretty, @Default(Summary.none) Summary summary, @Default('json') String format, @Default(<String>[]) List<String> elements, @Default(<String>[]) List<String> parameters, required Bundle bundle, MimeType? mimeType, @Default('application/fhir+json') String accept, @JsonKey(includeFromJson: false, includeToJson: false) Client? client, Map<String, String>? headers})
TRANSACTION constructor base - the base URI for the FHIR server pretty - pretty print the json formatting in the response summary - do you want the result to be a summary format - currently requests json, but could consider requesting json+fhir or fhir+json (would not request XML as this library doesn't work with XML) elements - elements you need to pass in parameters - any extra parameters bundle - the bundle to be uploaded mimeType - specify the MimeType in the Header - this should be fhir+json but there are some older systems that won't accept that client - if there's a specific client that you're going to be using
FhirRequest.update({required Uri base, required Resource resource, @Default(false) bool pretty, @Default(Summary.none) Summary summary, @Default('json') String format, @Default(<String>[]) List<String> elements, @Default(<String>[]) List<String> parameters, MimeType? mimeType, @Default('application/fhir+json') String accept, @JsonKey(includeFromJson: false, includeToJson: false) Client? client, Map<String, String>? headers})
UPDATE constructor base - the base URI for the FHIR server pretty - pretty print the json formatting in the response summary - do you want the result to be a summary format - currently requests json, but could consider requesting json+fhir or fhir+json (would not request XML as this library doesn't work with XML) elements - elements you need to pass in parameters - any extra parameters mimeType - specify the MimeType in the Header - this should be fhir+json but there are some older systems that won't accept that client - if there's a specific client that you're going to be using
FhirRequest.vRead({required Uri base, required R5ResourceType type, required String fhirId, required FhirId vid, @Default(false) bool pretty, @Default(Summary.none) Summary summary, @Default('json') String format, @Default(<String>[]) List<String> elements, @Default(<String>[]) List<String> parameters, MimeType? mimeType, @Default('application/fhir+json') String accept, @JsonKey(includeFromJson: false, includeToJson: false) Client? client, Map<String, String>? headers})
VREAD constructor base - the base URI for the FHIR server type - the type of resource you're looking for fhirId - the id for the resource vid - the version id of the resource pretty - pretty print the json formatting in the response summary - do you want the result to be a summary format - currently requests json, but could consider requesting json+fhir or fhir+json (would not request XML as this library doesn't work with XML) elements - elements you need to pass in parameters - any extra parameters mimeType - specify the MimeType in the Header - this should be fhir+json but there are some older systems that won't accept that client - if there's a specific client that you're going to be using


accept String
accept - this will default to fhir+json just so it will stop sending me XML - I hate XML
no setterinherited
base Uri
base - the base URI for the FHIR server
no setterinherited
client → Client?
client - if there's a specific client that you're going to be using
no setterinherited
copyWith → $FhirRequestCopyWith<FhirRequest>
no setterinherited
elements List<String>
elements - elements you need to pass in
no setterinherited
format String
format - currently requests json, but could consider requesting json+fhir or fhir+json (would not request XML as this library doesn't work with XML)
no setterinherited
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
headers Map<String, String>?
headers - because there are some times it's easier to incldue the headers in the object instead of only passing it in with the request
no setterinherited
mimeType MimeType?
mimeType - specify the MimeType in the Header - this should be fhir+json but there are some older systems that won't accept that
no setterinherited
parameters List<String>
parameters - any extra parameters
no setterinherited
pretty bool
pretty - pretty print the json formatting in the response
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
summary Summary
summary - do you want the result to be a summary
no setterinherited
url String
Getter for the uri
no setter


formData({List<String> parameters = const <String>[]}) String
Return a string from the formData
map<TResult extends Object?>({required TResult read(FhirReadRequest value), required TResult vRead(FhirVReadRequest value), required TResult update(FhirUpdateRequest value), required TResult patch(FhirPatchRequest value), required TResult delete(FhirDeleteRequest value), required TResult create(FhirCreateRequest value), required TResult search(FhirSearchRequest value), required TResult searchAll(FhirSearchAllRequest value), required TResult capabilities(FhirCapabilitiesRequest value), required TResult transaction(FhirTransactionRequest value), required TResult batch(FhirBatchRequest value), required TResult history(FhirHistoryRequest value), required TResult historyType(FhirHistoryTypeRequest value), required TResult historyAll(FhirHistoryAllRequest value), required TResult operation(FhirOperationRequest value)}) → TResult
mapOrNull<TResult extends Object?>({TResult? read(FhirReadRequest value)?, TResult? vRead(FhirVReadRequest value)?, TResult? update(FhirUpdateRequest value)?, TResult? patch(FhirPatchRequest value)?, TResult? delete(FhirDeleteRequest value)?, TResult? create(FhirCreateRequest value)?, TResult? search(FhirSearchRequest value)?, TResult? searchAll(FhirSearchAllRequest value)?, TResult? capabilities(FhirCapabilitiesRequest value)?, TResult? transaction(FhirTransactionRequest value)?, TResult? batch(FhirBatchRequest value)?, TResult? history(FhirHistoryRequest value)?, TResult? historyType(FhirHistoryTypeRequest value)?, TResult? historyAll(FhirHistoryAllRequest value)?, TResult? operation(FhirOperationRequest value)?}) → TResult?
maybeMap<TResult extends Object?>({TResult read(FhirReadRequest value)?, TResult vRead(FhirVReadRequest value)?, TResult update(FhirUpdateRequest value)?, TResult patch(FhirPatchRequest value)?, TResult delete(FhirDeleteRequest value)?, TResult create(FhirCreateRequest value)?, TResult search(FhirSearchRequest value)?, TResult searchAll(FhirSearchAllRequest value)?, TResult capabilities(FhirCapabilitiesRequest value)?, TResult transaction(FhirTransactionRequest value)?, TResult batch(FhirBatchRequest value)?, TResult history(FhirHistoryRequest value)?, TResult historyType(FhirHistoryTypeRequest value)?, TResult historyAll(FhirHistoryAllRequest value)?, TResult operation(FhirOperationRequest value)?, required TResult orElse()}) → TResult
maybeWhen<TResult extends Object?>({TResult read(Uri base, R5ResourceType type, String fhirId, bool pretty, Summary summary, String format, List<String> elements, List<String> parameters, MimeType? mimeType, String accept, Client? client, Map<String, String>? headers)?, TResult vRead(Uri base, R5ResourceType type, String fhirId, FhirId vid, bool pretty, Summary summary, String format, List<String> elements, List<String> parameters, MimeType? mimeType, String accept, Client? client, Map<String, String>? headers)?, TResult update(Uri base, Resource resource, bool pretty, Summary summary, String format, List<String> elements, List<String> parameters, MimeType? mimeType, String accept, Client? client, Map<String, String>? headers)?, TResult patch(Uri base, Resource resource, bool pretty, Summary summary, String format, List<String> elements, List<String> parameters, MimeType? mimeType, String accept, Client? client, Map<String, String>? headers)?, TResult delete(Uri base, R5ResourceType type, String fhirId, bool pretty, Summary summary, String format, List<String> elements, List<String> parameters, MimeType? mimeType, String accept, Client? client, Map<String, String>? headers)?, TResult create(Uri base, Resource resource, bool pretty, Summary summary, String format, List<String> elements, List<String> parameters, MimeType? mimeType, String accept, Client? client, Map<String, String>? headers)?, TResult search(Uri base, R5ResourceType type, bool pretty, Summary summary, String format, List<String> elements, List<String> parameters, bool usePost, RestfulRequest restfulRequest, MimeType? mimeType, String accept, Client? client, Map<String, String>? headers)?, TResult searchAll(Uri base, bool pretty, Summary summary, String format, List<String> elements, List<String> parameters, MimeType? mimeType, String accept, Client? client, Map<String, String>? headers)?, TResult capabilities(Uri base, bool pretty, Summary summary, String format, List<String> elements, List<String> parameters, Mode mode, MimeType? mimeType, String accept, Client? client, Map<String, String>? headers)?, TResult transaction(Uri base, bool pretty, Summary summary, String format, List<String> elements, List<String> parameters, Bundle bundle, MimeType? mimeType, String accept, Client? client, Map<String, String>? headers)?, TResult batch(Uri base, bool pretty, Summary summary, String format, List<String> elements, List<String> parameters, Bundle bundle, MimeType? mimeType, String accept, Client? client, Map<String, String>? headers)?, TResult history(Uri base, R5ResourceType type, String fhirId, bool pretty, Summary summary, String format, List<String> elements, List<String> parameters, int? count, FhirInstant? since, FhirDateTime? at, String? reference, MimeType? mimeType, String accept, Client? client, Map<String, String>? headers)?, TResult historyType(Uri base, R5ResourceType type, bool pretty, Summary summary, String format, List<String> elements, List<String> parameters, int? count, FhirInstant? since, FhirDateTime? at, String? reference, MimeType? mimeType, String accept, Client? client, Map<String, String>? headers)?, TResult historyAll(Uri base, bool pretty, Summary summary, String format, List<String> elements, List<String> parameters, int? count, FhirInstant? since, FhirDateTime? at, String? reference, MimeType? mimeType, String accept, Client? client, Map<String, String>? headers)?, TResult operation(Uri base, R5ResourceType? type, String? fhirId, bool pretty, Summary summary, String format, List<String> elements, List<String> parameters, Parameters? fhirParameter, String operation, bool usePost, bool useFormData, MimeType? mimeType, String accept, Client? client, Map<String, String>? headers)?, required TResult orElse()}) → TResult
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
request({Map<String, String>? headers}) Future<Resource>
REQUEST after creating a request with the above constructors, they can be called to interact with the server by using this method. If necessary, authorization or other headers can be passed in as well
toFhirHttpRequest({Map<String, String>? headers}) FhirHttpRequest
FhirHttpRequest In order to send a these via the atProtocol, we need to change them into something that can be easily serialized or deserialized.
toJson() Map<String, dynamic>
toJsonString() String
Another convenience method because more and more I'm transmitting FHIR data as a String and not a Map
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
uri({List<String> parameters = const <String>[]}) String
Constructs the uri
when<TResult extends Object?>({required TResult read(Uri base, R5ResourceType type, String fhirId, bool pretty, Summary summary, String format, List<String> elements, List<String> parameters, MimeType? mimeType, String accept, Client? client, Map<String, String>? headers), required TResult vRead(Uri base, R5ResourceType type, String fhirId, FhirId vid, bool pretty, Summary summary, String format, List<String> elements, List<String> parameters, MimeType? mimeType, String accept, Client? client, Map<String, String>? headers), required TResult update(Uri base, Resource resource, bool pretty, Summary summary, String format, List<String> elements, List<String> parameters, MimeType? mimeType, String accept, Client? client, Map<String, String>? headers), required TResult patch(Uri base, Resource resource, bool pretty, Summary summary, String format, List<String> elements, List<String> parameters, MimeType? mimeType, String accept, Client? client, Map<String, String>? headers), required TResult delete(Uri base, R5ResourceType type, String fhirId, bool pretty, Summary summary, String format, List<String> elements, List<String> parameters, MimeType? mimeType, String accept, Client? client, Map<String, String>? headers), required TResult create(Uri base, Resource resource, bool pretty, Summary summary, String format, List<String> elements, List<String> parameters, MimeType? mimeType, String accept, Client? client, Map<String, String>? headers), required TResult search(Uri base, R5ResourceType type, bool pretty, Summary summary, String format, List<String> elements, List<String> parameters, bool usePost, RestfulRequest restfulRequest, MimeType? mimeType, String accept, Client? client, Map<String, String>? headers), required TResult searchAll(Uri base, bool pretty, Summary summary, String format, List<String> elements, List<String> parameters, MimeType? mimeType, String accept, Client? client, Map<String, String>? headers), required TResult capabilities(Uri base, bool pretty, Summary summary, String format, List<String> elements, List<String> parameters, Mode mode, MimeType? mimeType, String accept, Client? client, Map<String, String>? headers), required TResult transaction(Uri base, bool pretty, Summary summary, String format, List<String> elements, List<String> parameters, Bundle bundle, MimeType? mimeType, String accept, Client? client, Map<String, String>? headers), required TResult batch(Uri base, bool pretty, Summary summary, String format, List<String> elements, List<String> parameters, Bundle bundle, MimeType? mimeType, String accept, Client? client, Map<String, String>? headers), required TResult history(Uri base, R5ResourceType type, String fhirId, bool pretty, Summary summary, String format, List<String> elements, List<String> parameters, int? count, FhirInstant? since, FhirDateTime? at, String? reference, MimeType? mimeType, String accept, Client? client, Map<String, String>? headers), required TResult historyType(Uri base, R5ResourceType type, bool pretty, Summary summary, String format, List<String> elements, List<String> parameters, int? count, FhirInstant? since, FhirDateTime? at, String? reference, MimeType? mimeType, String accept, Client? client, Map<String, String>? headers), required TResult historyAll(Uri base, bool pretty, Summary summary, String format, List<String> elements, List<String> parameters, int? count, FhirInstant? since, FhirDateTime? at, String? reference, MimeType? mimeType, String accept, Client? client, Map<String, String>? headers), required TResult operation(Uri base, R5ResourceType? type, String? fhirId, bool pretty, Summary summary, String format, List<String> elements, List<String> parameters, Parameters? fhirParameter, String operation, bool usePost, bool useFormData, MimeType? mimeType, String accept, Client? client, Map<String, String>? headers)}) → TResult
whenOrNull<TResult extends Object?>({TResult? read(Uri base, R5ResourceType type, String fhirId, bool pretty, Summary summary, String format, List<String> elements, List<String> parameters, MimeType? mimeType, String accept, Client? client, Map<String, String>? headers)?, TResult? vRead(Uri base, R5ResourceType type, String fhirId, FhirId vid, bool pretty, Summary summary, String format, List<String> elements, List<String> parameters, MimeType? mimeType, String accept, Client? client, Map<String, String>? headers)?, TResult? update(Uri base, Resource resource, bool pretty, Summary summary, String format, List<String> elements, List<String> parameters, MimeType? mimeType, String accept, Client? client, Map<String, String>? headers)?, TResult? patch(Uri base, Resource resource, bool pretty, Summary summary, String format, List<String> elements, List<String> parameters, MimeType? mimeType, String accept, Client? client, Map<String, String>? headers)?, TResult? delete(Uri base, R5ResourceType type, String fhirId, bool pretty, Summary summary, String format, List<String> elements, List<String> parameters, MimeType? mimeType, String accept, Client? client, Map<String, String>? headers)?, TResult? create(Uri base, Resource resource, bool pretty, Summary summary, String format, List<String> elements, List<String> parameters, MimeType? mimeType, String accept, Client? client, Map<String, String>? headers)?, TResult? search(Uri base, R5ResourceType type, bool pretty, Summary summary, String format, List<String> elements, List<String> parameters, bool usePost, RestfulRequest restfulRequest, MimeType? mimeType, String accept, Client? client, Map<String, String>? headers)?, TResult? searchAll(Uri base, bool pretty, Summary summary, String format, List<String> elements, List<String> parameters, MimeType? mimeType, String accept, Client? client, Map<String, String>? headers)?, TResult? capabilities(Uri base, bool pretty, Summary summary, String format, List<String> elements, List<String> parameters, Mode mode, MimeType? mimeType, String accept, Client? client, Map<String, String>? headers)?, TResult? transaction(Uri base, bool pretty, Summary summary, String format, List<String> elements, List<String> parameters, Bundle bundle, MimeType? mimeType, String accept, Client? client, Map<String, String>? headers)?, TResult? batch(Uri base, bool pretty, Summary summary, String format, List<String> elements, List<String> parameters, Bundle bundle, MimeType? mimeType, String accept, Client? client, Map<String, String>? headers)?, TResult? history(Uri base, R5ResourceType type, String fhirId, bool pretty, Summary summary, String format, List<String> elements, List<String> parameters, int? count, FhirInstant? since, FhirDateTime? at, String? reference, MimeType? mimeType, String accept, Client? client, Map<String, String>? headers)?, TResult? historyType(Uri base, R5ResourceType type, bool pretty, Summary summary, String format, List<String> elements, List<String> parameters, int? count, FhirInstant? since, FhirDateTime? at, String? reference, MimeType? mimeType, String accept, Client? client, Map<String, String>? headers)?, TResult? historyAll(Uri base, bool pretty, Summary summary, String format, List<String> elements, List<String> parameters, int? count, FhirInstant? since, FhirDateTime? at, String? reference, MimeType? mimeType, String accept, Client? client, Map<String, String>? headers)?, TResult? operation(Uri base, R5ResourceType? type, String? fhirId, bool pretty, Summary summary, String format, List<String> elements, List<String> parameters, Parameters? fhirParameter, String operation, bool usePost, bool useFormData, MimeType? mimeType, String accept, Client? client, Map<String, String>? headers)?}) → TResult?


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.