enums/enums library
- Compartment
- COMPARTMENT Enum Represents a way to find related resources quickly Defined here: https://www.hl7.org/fhir/compartmentdefinition.html
- MimeType
- Mode
- MODE Enum Defines the capabilities of the server https://www.hl7.org/fhir/http.html#capabilities
- RestfulRequest
- Types of restful requests allowed. FHIR specifies many different types of interactions with a server, but all are eventually one of these types
- Summary
- COMPARTMENT Enum The client can request the server to return only a portion of the resources by using this parameter Defined here: https://www.hl7.org/fhir/search.html#summary
→ const Map<
Compartment, String> - Map to convert from an Enum to a String for making the request
→ const Map<
MimeType, String> - Map to convert from an Enum to a String
→ const Map<
Mode, String> - Map to convert from an Enum to a String for making the request
→ const Map<
Summary, String> - Map to convert from an Enum to a String for making the request
T> (T enumValue) → String? - A more advanced way to change an enum to a string, mostly used for Resource types, but also for some enum specifically defined for requests
T> (T enumValue) → String? - Simple enum to String function, just takes whatever is after the "." and returns it as a String