This class ends up functioning mostly like an abstract superclass. Some of the fields in other classes contain a generic resource, so in order for them to be able to implement a resource.toJson() function, it also has to be implemented here (although it is always overridden). Each resource class also has it's own fromJson() function as well. The fromJson function in this class is only used if the resourceType is not previously known
- Implementers
- Account
- ActivityDefinition
- ActorDefinition
- AdministrableProductDefinition
- AdverseEvent
- AllergyIntolerance
- Appointment
- AppointmentResponse
- ArtifactAssessment
- AuditEvent
- Basic
- Binary
- BiologicallyDerivedProduct
- BiologicallyDerivedProductDispense
- BodyStructure
- Bundle
- CapabilityStatement
- CarePlan
- CareTeam
- ChargeItem
- ChargeItemDefinition
- Citation
- Claim
- ClaimResponse
- ClinicalImpression
- ClinicalUseDefinition
- CodeSystem
- Communication
- CommunicationRequest
- CompartmentDefinition
- Composition
- ConceptMap
- Condition
- ConditionDefinition
- Consent
- Contract
- Coverage
- CoverageEligibilityRequest
- CoverageEligibilityResponse
- DetectedIssue
- Device
- DeviceAssociation
- DeviceDefinition
- DeviceDispense
- DeviceMetric
- DeviceRequest
- DeviceUsage
- DiagnosticReport
- DocumentReference
- Encounter
- EncounterHistory
- EnrollmentRequest
- EnrollmentResponse
- EpisodeOfCare
- EventDefinition
- Evidence
- EvidenceReport
- EvidenceVariable
- ExampleScenario
- ExplanationOfBenefit
- FamilyMemberHistory
- FhirEndpoint
- FhirGroup
- FhirList
- Flag
- FormularyItem
- GenomicStudy
- Goal
- GraphDefinition
- GuidanceResponse
- HealthcareService
- ImagingSelection
- ImagingStudy
- Immunization
- ImmunizationEvaluation
- ImmunizationRecommendation
- ImplementationGuide
- Ingredient
- InsurancePlan
- InventoryItem
- InventoryReport
- Invoice
- Library
- Linkage
- Location
- ManufacturedItemDefinition
- Measure
- MeasureReport
- Medication
- MedicationAdministration
- MedicationDispense
- MedicationKnowledge
- MedicationRequest
- MedicationStatement
- MedicinalProductDefinition
- MessageDefinition
- MessageHeader
- MolecularSequence
- NamingSystem
- NutritionIntake
- NutritionOrder
- NutritionProduct
- Observation
- ObservationDefinition
- OperationDefinition
- OperationOutcome
- Organization
- OrganizationAffiliation
- PackagedProductDefinition
- Parameters
- Patient
- PaymentNotice
- PaymentReconciliation
- Permission
- Person
- PlanDefinition
- Practitioner
- PractitionerRole
- Procedure
- Provenance
- Questionnaire
- QuestionnaireResponse
- RegulatedAuthorization
- RelatedPerson
- RequestOrchestration
- Requirements
- ResearchStudy
- ResearchSubject
- RiskAssessment
- Schedule
- SearchParameter
- ServiceRequest
- Slot
- Specimen
- SpecimenDefinition
- StructureDefinition
- StructureMap
- Subscription
- SubscriptionStatus
- SubscriptionTopic
- Substance
- SubstanceDefinition
- SubstanceNucleicAcid
- SubstancePolymer
- SubstanceProtein
- SubstanceReferenceInformation
- SubstanceSourceMaterial
- SupplyDelivery
- SupplyRequest
- Task
- TerminologyCapabilities
- TestPlan
- TestReport
- TestScript
- Transport
- ValueSet
- VerificationResult
- VisionPrescription
- Annotations
- @JsonSerializable()
- Resource()
→ List<
Resource> ? -
no setter
- dbId → int?
no setter
→ List<
FhirExtension> ? -
no setter
- fhirId → FhirId?
no setter
- hashCode → int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
- implicitRules → FhirUri?
no setter
- implicitRulesElement → Element?
no setter
- language → FhirCode?
no setter
- languageElement → Element?
no setter
- meta → FhirMeta?
no setter
→ List<
FhirExtension> ? -
no setter
- path → String
Local Reference for this Resource, form is "ResourceType/Id"
no setter
- resourceType → R5ResourceType?
no setter
- resourceTypeString → String?
produce a string of the resourceType
no setter
- runtimeType → Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
- text → Narrative?
no setter
- thisReference → Reference
Convenience method to return a Reference referring to that Resource
no setter
) → Resource - returns the same resource with a new ID (even if there is already an ID present)
) → Resource - returns the same resource with a new ID if there is no current ID
Invocation invocation) → dynamic -
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
) → Map< String, dynamic> - The normal toJson ignores the dbId, and produces the fhirId as the id However, if you're going to use this as a database entry, you have to switch those two ids
) → Map< String, dynamic> - Returns a Map<String, dynamic> of the Resource
) → String - Another convenience method because more and more I'm transmitting FHIR data as a String and not a Map
) → String -
A string representation of this object.
) → String - Produces a Yaml formatted String version of the object
{FhirMeta? oldMeta}) → Resource - Updates the meta field of this Resource, updates the meta.lastUpdated field, adds 1 to the version number
operator ==(
Object other) → bool -
The equality operator.
Static Methods
Map< String, dynamic> json) → Resource - Likewise, if you're using one of those DBs, then you may need to get that resource back, and so we'll need to switch those IDs back before we turn them into a Dart class again
Map< String, dynamic> json) → Resource - Acts like a constructor, returns a Resource, accepts a Map<String, Dynamic> as an argument
String source) → Resource - Acts like a constructor, returns a Resource, accepts a String as an argument, mostly because I got tired of typing it out
String xmlString) → Resource - I don't like XML. However, there appears to be times when it's unavoidable. Thus, I'm going to include this so that we can work with it, yuck.
dynamic yaml) → Resource - Returns a Resource, accepts a String in YAML format as an argument
String type) → R5ResourceType? -
R5ResourceType type) → String