TestScriptAssert class

TestScriptAssert A structured set of tests against a FHIR server or client implementation to determine compliance against the FHIR specification.

  • @freezed


TestScriptAssert({@JsonKey(name: 'id') String? fhirId, @JsonKey(name: 'extension') List<FhirExtension>? extension_, List<FhirExtension>? modifierExtension, String? label, @JsonKey(name: '_label') Element? labelElement, String? description, @JsonKey(name: '_description') Element? descriptionElement, FhirCode? direction, @JsonKey(name: '_direction') Element? directionElement, String? compareToSourceId, @JsonKey(name: '_compareToSourceId') Element? compareToSourceIdElement, String? compareToSourceExpression, @JsonKey(name: '_compareToSourceExpression') Element? compareToSourceExpressionElement, String? compareToSourcePath, @JsonKey(name: '_compareToSourcePath') Element? compareToSourcePathElement, FhirCode? contentType, @JsonKey(name: '_contentType') Element? contentTypeElement, FhirCode? defaultManualCompletion, @JsonKey(name: '_defaultManualCompletion') Element? defaultManualCompletionElement, String? expression, @JsonKey(name: '_expression') Element? expressionElement, String? headerField, @JsonKey(name: '_headerField') Element? headerFieldElement, String? minimumId, @JsonKey(name: '_minimumId') Element? minimumIdElement, FhirBoolean? navigationLinks, @JsonKey(name: '_navigationLinks') Element? navigationLinksElement, @JsonKey(name: 'operator') FhirCode? operator_, @JsonKey(name: '_operator') Element? operatorElement, String? path, @JsonKey(name: '_path') Element? pathElement, FhirCode? requestMethod, @JsonKey(name: '_requestMethod') Element? requestMethodElement, String? requestURL, @JsonKey(name: '_requestURL') Element? requestURLElement, FhirUri? resource, @JsonKey(name: '_resource') Element? resourceElement, FhirCode? response, @JsonKey(name: '_response') Element? responseElement, String? responseCode, @JsonKey(name: '_responseCode') Element? responseCodeElement, FhirId? sourceId, @JsonKey(name: '_sourceId') Element? sourceIdElement, FhirBoolean? stopTestOnFail, @JsonKey(name: '_stopTestOnFail') Element? stopTestOnFailElement, FhirId? validateProfileId, @JsonKey(name: '_validateProfileId') Element? validateProfileIdElement, String? value, @JsonKey(name: '_value') Element? valueElement, FhirBoolean? warningOnly, @JsonKey(name: '_warningOnly') Element? warningOnlyElement, List<TestScriptRequirement>? requirement})
TestScriptAssert A structured set of tests against a FHIR server or client implementation to determine compliance against the FHIR specification.
TestScriptAssert.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json)
Factory constructor, accepts Map<String, dynamic> as an argument
TestScriptAssert.fromJsonString(String source)
Acts like a constructor, returns a TestScriptAssert, accepts a String as an argument, mostly because I got tired of typing it out
TestScriptAssert.fromYaml(dynamic yaml)
Factory constructor that accepts a String in YAML format as an argument


compareToSourceExpression String?
compareToSourceExpression The FHIRPath expression for a specific value to evaluate against the source fixture. When compareToSourceId is defined, either compareToSourceExpression or compareToSourcePath must be defined, but not both.
no setterinherited
compareToSourceExpressionElement Element?
compareToSourceExpressionElement ("_compareToSourceExpression") Extensions for compareToSourceExpression
no setterinherited
compareToSourceId String?
compareToSourceId Id of the source fixture used as the contents to be evaluated by either the "source/expression" or "sourceId/path" definition.
no setterinherited
compareToSourceIdElement Element?
compareToSourceIdElement ("_compareToSourceId") Extensions for compareToSourceId
no setterinherited
compareToSourcePath String?
compareToSourcePath XPath or JSONPath expression to evaluate against the source fixture. When compareToSourceId is defined, either compareToSourceExpression or compareToSourcePath must be defined, but not both.
no setterinherited
compareToSourcePathElement Element?
compareToSourcePathElement ("_compareToSourcePath") Extensions for compareToSourcePath
no setterinherited
contentType FhirCode?
contentType The mime-type contents to compare against the request or response message 'Content-Type' header.
no setterinherited
contentTypeElement Element?
contentTypeElement ("_contentType") Extensions for contentType
no setterinherited
copyWith → $TestScriptAssertCopyWith<TestScriptAssert>
no setterinherited
defaultManualCompletion FhirCode?
defaultManualCompletion The default manual completion outcome applied to this assertion.
no setterinherited
defaultManualCompletionElement Element?
defaultManualCompletionElement ("_defaultManualCompletion") Extensions for defaultManualCompletion
no setterinherited
description String?
description The description would be used by test engines for tracking and reporting purposes.
no setterinherited
descriptionElement Element?
descriptionElement ("_description") Extensions for description
no setterinherited
direction FhirCode?
direction The direction to use for the assertion.
no setterinherited
directionElement Element?
directionElement ("_direction") Extensions for direction
no setterinherited
expression String?
expression The FHIRPath expression to be evaluated against the request or response message contents - HTTP headers and payload.
no setterinherited
expressionElement Element?
expressionElement ("_expression") Extensions for expression
no setterinherited
extension_ List<FhirExtension>?
extension_ ("extension") May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the use of extensions safe and managable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension.
no setterinherited
fhirId String?
id Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not contain spaces.
no setterinherited
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
headerField String?
headerField The HTTP header field name e.g. 'Location'.
no setterinherited
headerFieldElement Element?
headerFieldElement ("_headerField") Extensions for headerField
no setterinherited
label String?
label The label would be used for tracking/logging purposes by test engines.
no setterinherited
labelElement Element?
labelElement ("_label") Extensions for label
no setterinherited
minimumId String?
minimumId The ID of a fixture. Asserts that the response contains at a minimum the fixture specified by minimumId.
no setterinherited
minimumIdElement Element?
minimumIdElement ("_minimumId") Extensions for minimumId
no setterinherited
modifierExtension List<FhirExtension>?
modifierExtension May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element and that modifies the understanding of the element in which it is contained and/or the understanding of the containing element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe and managable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions.Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot change the meaning of modifierExtension itself).
no setterinherited
navigationLinks Whether or not the test execution performs validation on the bundle navigation links.
no setterinherited
navigationLinksElement ("_navigationLinks") Extensions for navigationLinks
no setterinherited
operator_ FhirCode?
operator_ ("operator") The operator type defines the conditional behavior of the assert.
no setterinherited
operatorElement Element?
operatorElement ("_operator") Extensions for operator
no setterinherited
path String?
path The XPath or JSONPath expression to be evaluated against the fixture representing the response received from server.
no setterinherited
pathElement Element?
pathElement ("_path") Extensions for path
no setterinherited
requestMethod FhirCode?
requestMethod The request method or HTTP operation code to compare against that used by the client system under test.
no setterinherited
requestMethodElement Element?
requestMethodElement ("_requestMethod") Extensions for requestMethod
no setterinherited
requestURL String?
requestURL The value to use in a comparison against the request URL path string.
no setterinherited
requestURLElement Element?
requestURLElement ("_requestURL") Extensions for requestURL
no setterinherited
requirement List<TestScriptRequirement>?
requirement Links or references providing traceability to the testing requirements for this assert.
no setterinherited
resource FhirUri?
resource The type of the resource. See the resource list.
no setterinherited
resourceElement Element?
resourceElement ("_resource") Extensions for resource
no setterinherited
response FhirCode?
response continue | switchingProtocols | okay | created | accepted | nonAuthoritativeInformation | noContent | resetContent | partialContent | multipleChoices | movedPermanently | found | seeOther | notModified | useProxy | temporaryRedirect | permanentRedirect | badRequest | unauthorized | paymentRequired | forbidden | notFound | methodNotAllowed | notAcceptable | proxyAuthenticationRequired | requestTimeout | conflict | gone | lengthRequired | preconditionFailed | contentTooLarge | uriTooLong | unsupportedMediaType | rangeNotSatisfiable | expectationFailed | misdirectedRequest | unprocessableContent | upgradeRequired | internalServerError | notImplemented | badGateway | serviceUnavailable | gatewayTimeout | httpVersionNotSupported.
no setterinherited
responseCode String?
responseCode The value of the HTTP response code to be tested.
no setterinherited
responseCodeElement Element?
responseCodeElement ("_responseCode") Extensions for responseCode
no setterinherited
responseElement Element?
responseElement ("_response") Extensions for response
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
sourceId FhirId?
sourceId Fixture to evaluate the XPath/JSONPath expression or the headerField against.
no setterinherited
sourceIdElement Element?
sourceIdElement ("_sourceId") Extensions for sourceId
no setterinherited
stopTestOnFail FhirBoolean?
stopTestOnFail Whether or not the current test execution will stop on failure for this assert.
no setterinherited
stopTestOnFailElement Element?
stopTestOnFailElement ("_stopTestOnFail") Extensions for stopTestOnFail
no setterinherited
validateProfileId FhirId?
validateProfileId The ID of the Profile to validate against.
no setterinherited
validateProfileIdElement Element?
validateProfileIdElement ("_validateProfileId") Extensions for validateProfileId
no setterinherited
value String?
value The value to compare to.
no setterinherited
valueElement Element?
valueElement ("_value") Extensions for value
no setterinherited
warningOnly FhirBoolean?
warningOnly Whether or not the test execution will produce a warning only on error for this assert.
no setterinherited
warningOnlyElement Element?
warningOnlyElement ("_warningOnly") Extensions for warningOnly
no setterinherited


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toJson() Map<String, dynamic>
toJsonString() String
Another convenience method because more and more I'm transmitting FHIR data as a String and not a Map
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
toYaml() String
Produces a Yaml formatted String version of the object


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.