FhirExtension class

extension_ Optional Extension Element - found in all resources.

  • @freezed


FhirExtension({@JsonKey(name: 'id') String? fhirId, @JsonKey(name: 'extension') List<FhirExtension>? extension_, FhirUri? url, @JsonKey(name: '_url') Element? urlElement, FhirBase64Binary? valueBase64Binary, @JsonKey(name: '_valueBase64Binary') Element? valueBase64BinaryElement, FhirBoolean? valueBoolean, @JsonKey(name: '_valueBoolean') Element? valueBooleanElement, FhirCanonical? valueCanonical, @JsonKey(name: '_valueCanonical') Element? valueCanonicalElement, FhirCode? valueCode, @JsonKey(name: '_valueCode') Element? valueCodeElement, FhirDate? valueDate, @JsonKey(name: '_valueDate') Element? valueDateElement, FhirDateTime? valueDateTime, @JsonKey(name: '_valueDateTime') Element? valueDateTimeElement, FhirDecimal? valueDecimal, @JsonKey(name: '_valueDecimal') Element? valueDecimalElement, FhirId? valueId, @JsonKey(name: '_valueId') Element? valueIdElement, FhirInstant? valueInstant, @JsonKey(name: '_valueInstant') Element? valueInstantElement, FhirInteger? valueInteger, @JsonKey(name: '_valueInteger') Element? valueIntegerElement, FhirMarkdown? valueMarkdown, @JsonKey(name: '_valueMarkdown') Element? valueMarkdownElement, FhirOid? valueOid, @JsonKey(name: '_valueOid') Element? valueOidElement, FhirPositiveInt? valuePositiveInt, @JsonKey(name: '_valuePositiveInt') Element? valuePositiveIntElement, String? valueString, @JsonKey(name: '_valueString') Element? valueStringElement, FhirTime? valueTime, @JsonKey(name: '_valueTime') Element? valueTimeElement, FhirUnsignedInt? valueUnsignedInt, @JsonKey(name: '_valueUnsignedInt') Element? valueUnsignedIntElement, FhirUri? valueUri, @JsonKey(name: '_valueUri') Element? valueUriElement, FhirUrl? valueUrl, @JsonKey(name: '_valueUrl') Element? valueUrlElement, FhirUuid? valueUuid, @JsonKey(name: '_valueUuid') Element? valueUuidElement, Address? valueAddress, Age? valueAge, Annotation? valueAnnotation, Attachment? valueAttachment, CodeableConcept? valueCodeableConcept, CodeableReference? valueCodeableReference, Coding? valueCoding, ContactPoint? valueContactPoint, Count? valueCount, Distance? valueDistance, FhirDuration? valueDuration, HumanName? valueHumanName, Identifier? valueIdentifier, Money? valueMoney, Period? valuePeriod, Quantity? valueQuantity, Range? valueRange, Ratio? valueRatio, RatioRange? valueRatioRange, Reference? valueReference, SampledData? valueSampledData, Signature? valueSignature, Timing? valueTiming, ContactDetail? valueContactDetail, Contributor? valueContributor, DataRequirement? valueDataRequirement, FhirExpression? valueExpression, ParameterDefinition? valueParameterDefinition, RelatedArtifact? valueRelatedArtifact, TriggerDefinition? valueTriggerDefinition, UsageContext? valueUsageContext, Dosage? valueDosage})
FhirExtension Optional Extension Element - found in all resources.
FhirExtension.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json)
Factory constructor, accepts Map<String, dynamic> as an argument
FhirExtension.fromJsonString(String source)
Acts like a constructor, returns a FhirExtension, accepts a String as an argument, mostly because I got tired of typing it out
FhirExtension.fromYaml(dynamic yaml)
Factory constructor that accepts a String in YAML format as an argument


copyWith → $FhirExtensionCopyWith<FhirExtension>
no setterinherited
extension_ List<FhirExtension>?
extension_ May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension.
no setterinherited
fhirId String?
id Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not contain spaces.
no setterinherited
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
url FhirUri?
url Source of the definition for the extension code - a logical name or a URL.
no setterinherited
urlElement Element?
urlElement Extensions for url
no setterinherited
valueAddress Address?
valueAddress Value of extension - must be one of a constrained set of the data types (see Extensibility for a list).
no setterinherited
valueAge Age?
valueAge Value of extension - must be one of a constrained set of the data types (see Extensibility for a list).
no setterinherited
valueAnnotation Annotation?
valueAnnotation Value of extension - must be one of a constrained set of the data types (see Extensibility for a list).
no setterinherited
valueAttachment Attachment?
valueAttachment Value of extension - must be one of a constrained set of the data types (see Extensibility for a list).
no setterinherited
valueBase64Binary FhirBase64Binary?
valueBase64Binary Value of extension - must be one of a constrained set of the data types (see Extensibility for a list).
no setterinherited
valueBase64BinaryElement Element?
valueBase64BinaryElement Extensions for valueBase64Binary
no setterinherited
valueBoolean FhirBoolean?
valueBoolean Value of extension - must be one of a constrained set of the data types (see Extensibility for a list).
no setterinherited
valueBooleanElement Element?
valueBooleanElement Extensions for valueBoolean
no setterinherited
valueCanonical FhirCanonical?
valueCanonical Value of extension - must be one of a constrained set of the data types (see Extensibility for a list).
no setterinherited
valueCanonicalElement Element?
valueCanonicalElement Extensions for valueCanonical
no setterinherited
valueCode FhirCode?
valueCode Value of extension - must be one of a constrained set of the data types (see Extensibility for a list).
no setterinherited
valueCodeableConcept CodeableConcept?
valueCodeableConcept Value of extension - must be one of a constrained set of the data types (see Extensibility for a list).
no setterinherited
valueCodeableReference CodeableReference?
valueCodeableReference Value of extension - must be one of a constrained set of the data types (see Extensibility for a list).
no setterinherited
valueCodeElement Element?
valueCodeElement Extensions for valueCode
no setterinherited
valueCoding Coding?
valueCoding Value of extension - must be one of a constrained set of the data types (see Extensibility for a list).
no setterinherited
valueContactDetail ContactDetail?
valueContactDetail Value of extension - must be one of a constrained set of the data types (see Extensibility for a list).
no setterinherited
valueContactPoint ContactPoint?
valueContactPoint Value of extension - must be one of a constrained set of the data types (see Extensibility for a list).
no setterinherited
valueContributor Contributor?
valueContributor Value of extension - must be one of a constrained set of the data types (see Extensibility for a list).
no setterinherited
valueCount Count?
valueCount Value of extension - must be one of a constrained set of the data types (see Extensibility for a list).
no setterinherited
valueDataRequirement DataRequirement?
valueDataRequirement Value of extension - must be one of a constrained set of the data types (see Extensibility for a list).
no setterinherited
valueDate FhirDate?
valueDate Value of extension - must be one of a constrained set of the data types (see Extensibility for a list).
no setterinherited
valueDateElement Element?
valueDateElement Extensions for valueDate
no setterinherited
valueDateTime FhirDateTime?
valueDateTime Value of extension - must be one of a constrained set of the data types (see Extensibility for a list).
no setterinherited
valueDateTimeElement Element?
valueDateTimeElement Extensions for valueDateTime
no setterinherited
valueDecimal FhirDecimal?
valueDecimal Value of extension - must be one of a constrained set of the data types (see Extensibility for a list).
no setterinherited
valueDecimalElement Element?
valueDecimalElement Extensions for valueDecimal
no setterinherited
valueDistance Distance?
valueDistance Value of extension - must be one of a constrained set of the data types (see Extensibility for a list).
no setterinherited
valueDosage Dosage?
valueDosage Value of extension - must be one of a constrained set of the data types (see Extensibility for a list).
no setterinherited
valueDuration FhirDuration?
valueDuration Value of extension - must be one of a constrained set of the data types (see Extensibility for a list).
no setterinherited
valueExpression FhirExpression?
valueExpression Value of extension - must be one of a constrained set of the data types (see Extensibility for a list).
no setterinherited
valueHumanName HumanName?
valueHumanName Value of extension - must be one of a constrained set of the data types (see Extensibility for a list).
no setterinherited
valueId FhirId?
valueId Value of extension - must be one of a constrained set of the data types (see Extensibility for a list).
no setterinherited
valueIdElement Element?
valueIdElement Extensions for valueId
no setterinherited
valueIdentifier Identifier?
valueIdentifier Value of extension - must be one of a constrained set of the data types (see Extensibility for a list).
no setterinherited
valueInstant FhirInstant?
valueInstant Value of extension - must be one of a constrained set of the data types (see Extensibility for a list).
no setterinherited
valueInstantElement Element?
valueInstantElement Extensions for valueInstant
no setterinherited
valueInteger FhirInteger?
valueInteger Value of extension - must be one of a constrained set of the data types (see Extensibility for a list).
no setterinherited
valueIntegerElement Element?
valueIntegerElement Extensions for valueInteger
no setterinherited
valueMarkdown FhirMarkdown?
valueMarkdown Value of extension - must be one of a constrained set of the data types (see Extensibility for a list).
no setterinherited
valueMarkdownElement Element?
valueMarkdownElement Extensions for valueMarkdown
no setterinherited
valueMoney Money?
valueMoney Value of extension - must be one of a constrained set of the data types (see Extensibility for a list).
no setterinherited
valueOid FhirOid?
valueOid Value of extension - must be one of a constrained set of the data types (see Extensibility for a list).
no setterinherited
valueOidElement Element?
valueOidElement Extensions for valueOid
no setterinherited
valueParameterDefinition ParameterDefinition?
valueParameterDefinition Value of extension - must be one of a constrained set of the data types (see Extensibility for a list).
no setterinherited
valuePeriod Period?
valuePeriod Value of extension - must be one of a constrained set of the data types (see Extensibility for a list).
no setterinherited
valuePositiveInt FhirPositiveInt?
valuePositiveInt Value of extension - must be one of a constrained set of the data types (see Extensibility for a list).
no setterinherited
valuePositiveIntElement Element?
valuePositiveIntElement Extensions for valuePositiveInt
no setterinherited
valueQuantity Quantity?
valueQuantity Value of extension - must be one of a constrained set of the data types (see Extensibility for a list).
no setterinherited
valueRange Range?
valueRange Value of extension - must be one of a constrained set of the data types (see Extensibility for a list).
no setterinherited
valueRatio Ratio?
valueRatio Value of extension - must be one of a constrained set of the data types (see Extensibility for a list).
no setterinherited
valueRatioRange RatioRange?
no setterinherited
valueReference Reference?
valueReference Value of extension - must be one of a constrained set of the data types (see Extensibility for a list).
no setterinherited
valueRelatedArtifact RelatedArtifact?
valueRelatedArtifact Value of extension - must be one of a constrained set of the data types (see Extensibility for a list).
no setterinherited
valueSampledData SampledData?
valueSampledData Value of extension - must be one of a constrained set of the data types (see Extensibility for a list).
no setterinherited
valueSignature Signature?
valueSignature Value of extension - must be one of a constrained set of the data types (see Extensibility for a list).
no setterinherited
valueString String?
valueString Value of extension - must be one of a constrained set of the data types (see Extensibility for a list).
no setterinherited
valueStringElement Element?
valueStringElement Extensions for valueString
no setterinherited
valueTime FhirTime?
valueTime Value of extension - must be one of a constrained set of the data types (see Extensibility for a list).
no setterinherited
valueTimeElement Element?
valueTimeElement Extensions for valueTime
no setterinherited
valueTiming Timing?
valueTiming Value of extension - must be one of a constrained set of the data types (see Extensibility for a list).
no setterinherited
valueTriggerDefinition TriggerDefinition?
valueTriggerDefinition Value of extension - must be one of a constrained set of the data types (see Extensibility for a list).
no setterinherited
valueUnsignedInt FhirUnsignedInt?
valueUnsignedInt Value of extension - must be one of a constrained set of the data types (see Extensibility for a list).
no setterinherited
valueUnsignedIntElement Element?
valueUnsignedIntElement Extensions for valueUnsignedInt
no setterinherited
valueUri FhirUri?
valueUri Value of extension - must be one of a constrained set of the data types (see Extensibility for a list).
no setterinherited
valueUriElement Element?
valueUriElement Extensions for valueUri
no setterinherited
valueUrl FhirUrl?
valueUrl Value of extension - must be one of a constrained set of the data types (see Extensibility for a list).
no setterinherited
valueUrlElement Element?
valueUrlElement Extensions for valueUrl
no setterinherited
valueUsageContext UsageContext?
valueUsageContext Value of extension - must be one of a constrained set of the data types (see Extensibility for a list).`
no setterinherited
valueUuid FhirUuid?
valueUuid Value of extension - must be one of a constrained set of the data types (see Extensibility for a list).
no setterinherited
valueUuidElement Element?
valueUuidElement Extensions for valueUuid
no setterinherited


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toJson() Map<String, dynamic>
toJsonString() String
Another convenience method because more and more I'm transmitting FHIR data as a String and not a Map
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
toYaml() String
Produces a Yaml formatted String version of the object


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.