r5/resource_types/base/management/management library


Encounter An interaction between a patient and healthcare provider(s) for the purpose of providing healthcare service(s) or assessing the health status of a patient. Encounter is primarily used to record information about the actual activities that occurred, where Appointment is used to record planned activities.
EncounterAdmission An interaction between a patient and healthcare provider(s) for the purpose of providing healthcare service(s) or assessing the health status of a patient. Encounter is primarily used to record information about the actual activities that occurred, where Appointment is used to record planned activities.
EncounterDiagnosis An interaction between a patient and healthcare provider(s) for the purpose of providing healthcare service(s) or assessing the health status of a patient. Encounter is primarily used to record information about the actual activities that occurred, where Appointment is used to record planned activities.
EncounterHistory A record of significant events/milestones key data throughout the history of an Encounter, often tracked for specific purposes such as billing.
EncounterHistoryLocation A record of significant events/milestones key data throughout the history of an Encounter, often tracked for specific purposes such as billing.
EncounterLocation An interaction between a patient and healthcare provider(s) for the purpose of providing healthcare service(s) or assessing the health status of a patient. Encounter is primarily used to record information about the actual activities that occurred, where Appointment is used to record planned activities.
EncounterParticipant An interaction between a patient and healthcare provider(s) for the purpose of providing healthcare service(s) or assessing the health status of a patient. Encounter is primarily used to record information about the actual activities that occurred, where Appointment is used to record planned activities.
EncounterReason An interaction between a patient and healthcare provider(s) for the purpose of providing healthcare service(s) or assessing the health status of a patient. Encounter is primarily used to record information about the actual activities that occurred, where Appointment is used to record planned activities.
EpisodeOfCare An association between a patient and an organization / healthcare provider(s) during which time encounters may occur. The managing organization assumes a level of responsibility for the patient during this time.
EpisodeOfCareDiagnosis An association between a patient and an organization / healthcare provider(s) during which time encounters may occur. The managing organization assumes a level of responsibility for the patient during this time.
EpisodeOfCareReason An association between a patient and an organization / healthcare provider(s) during which time encounters may occur. The managing organization assumes a level of responsibility for the patient during this time.
EpisodeOfCareStatusHistory An association between a patient and an organization / healthcare provider(s) during which time encounters may occur. The managing organization assumes a level of responsibility for the patient during this time.
FhirList A List is a curated collection of resources, for things such as problem lists, allergy lists, facility list, organization list, etc.
FhirListEntry A List is a curated collection of resources, for things such as problem lists, allergy lists, facility list, organization list, etc.
Flag Prospective warnings of potential issues when providing care to the patient.
Library The Library resource is a general-purpose container for knowledge asset definitions. It can be used to describe and expose existing knowledge assets such as logic libraries and information model descriptions, as well as to describe a collection of knowledge assets.