PatientContact class

  • @freezed


PatientContact({@JsonKey(name: 'id') FhirId? fhirId, @JsonKey(name: 'extension') List<FhirExtension>? extension_, List<FhirExtension>? modifierExtension, List<CodeableConcept>? relationship, HumanName? name, List<ContactPoint>? telecom, Address? address, @JsonKey(unknownEnumValue: ContactGender.unknown) ContactGender? gender, @JsonKey(name: '_gender') Element? genderElement, Reference? organization, Period? period})
PatientContact.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json)
Factory constructor, accepts Map<String, dynamic> as an argument
PatientContact.fromJsonString(String source)
Acts like a constructor, returns a PatientContact, accepts a String as an argument, mostly because I got tired of typing it out
PatientContact.fromYaml(dynamic yaml)
Factory constructor, accepts a String in YAML format as an argument


address Address?
no setterinherited
copyWith → $PatientContactCopyWith<PatientContact>
no setterinherited
extension_ List<FhirExtension>?
no setterinherited
fhirId FhirId?
no setterinherited
gender ContactGender?
no setterinherited
genderElement Element?
no setterinherited
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
modifierExtension List<FhirExtension>?
no setterinherited
name HumanName?
no setterinherited
organization Reference?
no setterinherited
period Period?
no setterinherited
relationship List<CodeableConcept>?
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
telecom List<ContactPoint>?
no setterinherited


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toJson() Map<String, dynamic>
toJsonString() String
Another convenience method because more and more I'm transmitting FHIR data as a String and not a Map
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
toYaml() String
Produces a Yaml formatted String version of the object
updateAddressCity(String city) PatientContact
updateAddressCountry(String country) PatientContact
updateAddressDistrict(String district) PatientContact
updateAddressLine(List<String> line) PatientContact
updateAddressPeriod(Period period) PatientContact
updateAddressPostalCode(String postalCode) PatientContact
updateAddressState(String state) PatientContact
updateAddressText(String text) PatientContact
updateAddressType(AddressType type) PatientContact
updateAddressUse(AddressUse use) PatientContact
updateContactPointPeriod(Period period, [int index = 0]) PatientContact
updateContactPointRank(FhirPositiveInt rank, [int index = 0]) PatientContact
updateContactPointSystem(ContactPointSystem system, [int index = 0]) PatientContact
updateContactPointUse(ContactPointUse use, [int index = 0]) PatientContact
updateContactPointValue(String value, [int index = 0]) PatientContact
updateHumanNameFamily(List<String> family) PatientContact
updateHumanNameGiven(List<String> given) PatientContact
updateHumanNamePeriod(Period period) PatientContact
updateHumanNamePrefix(List<String> prefix) PatientContact
updateHumanNameSuffix(List<String> suffix) PatientContact
updateHumanNameText(String text) PatientContact
updateHumanNameUse(HumanNameUse use) PatientContact


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.