ffi_helper library


Arena<T extends NativeType>
Instead of doing many little allocations, Arena allows you to make one large allocation which can then be sliced. This can improve performance and simplify memory management.
Array<T extends NativeType>
Stores the ptr to an array and its length
SharedArray<T extends NativeType>
Reference counted Array. Not thread safe!
WeakArray<T extends NativeType>
References a SharedArray without influencing the reference count.


PlatformSpecific on DynamicLibrary
Platform specific operations on DynamicLibrary
Uint8Array on Array<Uint8>
Uint8Pointer on Pointer<Uint8>


castedLength(int length, {required int elementSize, required int newElementSize}) int
elementAt<T extends NativeType>(Pointer<T> ptr, int index, {required int elementSize}) Pointer<T>
lengthInBytes(int length, {required int elementSize}) int