lua library

Library to make interacting with Lua states easier, see LuaState.


Class for exceptions propagated from Lua, see LuaState.load and
Opaque values for types that can't be converted to Dart values.
Wrapper class for simplifying interaction with Lua states,


luaBaseLib(LuaState state) int
Lua base library, pass to LuaState.requiref.
luaCoroutineLib(LuaState state) int
Lua coroutine library, pass to LuaState.requiref.
luaDebugLib(LuaState state) int
Lua debug library, pass to LuaState.requiref.
luaFengariLib(LuaState state) int
Lua fengari library, pass to LuaState.requiref.
luaMathLib(LuaState state) int
Lua math library, pass to LuaState.requiref.
luaOSLib(LuaState state) int
Lua OS library, pass to LuaState.requiref.
luaPackageLib(LuaState state) int
Lua package library, pass to LuaState.requiref.
luaStringLib(LuaState state) int
Lua string library, pass to LuaState.requiref.
luaTableLib(LuaState state) int
Lua table library, pass to LuaState.requiref.
luaUTF8Lib(LuaState state) int
Lua UTF8 library, pass to LuaState.requiref.


LuaCFunction = int Function(LuaState state)
The most basic function type that can be pushed, similar to lua_CFunction in reference Lua.
LuaFunction = Iterable Function(LuaState state, List args)
More convenient version of LuaCFunction where arguments and returns are dart iterables.