ui/widgets/widgets library
- FastActionCard
- FastAlertDialog
- FastAnimatedRotationIconButton
- FastAnimatedRotationIconButtonState
- FastAppCopyright
- A widget that displays the app's name, author and year.
- FastAppInformation
- A widget that displays the app's name, author and year.
- FastAppVersion
- A widget that displays the app's version.
- FastArticle
- FastBackButton
- FastBadge
- A badge widget that can be used to display a small amount of information.
- FastBaseTypography
- FastBody
- BODY 1 18px normal lowercase
- FastBody2
- BODY 2 18px normal lowercase
- FastButton
- FastButtonLabel
- BUTTON 16px semibold uppercase
- FastCaption
- CAPTION 16px light lowercase
- FastCard
- FastCloseButton
- FastDialog
- FastDisplay
- DISPLAY 1 48px regular lowercase
- FastDivider
- FastDuotoneBadge
- A duotone badge widget that can be used to display a small amount of information.
- FastEmptyContainer
- A stateless widget that displays an empty container with the primary background color of the current theme.
- FastExpansionPanel
- FastExpansionPanelState
- FastFadeTransitionPage
- FastFilledButton
- FastFilledButtonState
- FastHeadline
- HEADLINE 34px medium lowercase
- FastHelper
- OVERLINE 14px light lowercase
- FastIconButton
- FastIconButtonState
- FastLinearProgressBarIndicator
- A linear progress bar indicator.
- FastLink
- FastListHeader
T extends FastItem> - FastNumberField
- FastNumberFieldState
- FastOnboardingView
- FastOnboardingViewState
- FastOutlineButton
- FastOutlineButtonState
- FastOverline
- OVERLINE 14px light lowercase
- FastPadding
- FastPadding12
- FastPadding16
- FastPadding24
- FastPadding8
- FastParagraph
- FastPendingReadOnlyTextField
- FastPlaceholder
- PLACEHOLDER 18px light lowercase
- FastPlaceHolderHeadline
- PLACEHOLDER HEADLINE 34px light lowercase
- FastPlaceholderTitle
- PLACEHOLDER TITLE 24px light lowercase
T> - FastRaisedButton
- FastRaisedButtonState
- FastReadOnlyTextField
- FastRoundedDuotoneIcon
- FastRoundedIcon
T extends FastItem> -
T extends FastItem> - FastSearchField
- FastSearchFieldState
- FastSecondaryBody
- SECONDARY BODY 18px normal lowercase
- FastSecondaryButton
- SECONDARY BUTTON 14px medium uppercase
- FastSecondaryCaption
- SECONDARY CAPTION 12px medium uppercase
- FastSecondaryOverline
- SECONDARY OVERLINE 10px medium uppercase
- FastSecondarySubtitle
- SECONDARY SUBTITLE 14px medium uppercase
T> -
T extends FastItem> -
T extends FastItem> -
T> - FastShimmer
- A shimmer widget that can be used to display a loading state.
- FastSubhead
- SUBHEAD 18px semibold uppercase
- FastSubtitle
- SUBTITLE 16px semibold lowercase
- FastTabs
- FastTextButton
- FastTextButtonState
- FastTextField
- FastTextFieldState
- FastThreeBounceIndicator
- FastTitle
- TITLE 24px regular lowercase
T extends FastItem> - FastUrlLink
{required BuildContext context, required String titleText, bool barrierDismissible = true, Color? backgroundColor, List< Widget> ? children, VoidCallback? onCancel, List<Widget> ? actions, VoidCallback? onValid, String? messageText, String? cancelText, String? validText, Color? titleColor}) → Future<void>
- BoolCallback = bool Function()
- UrlLinkCallback = void Function(String url)