logic/constants library


kFastAdAutoRefresh → const bool
kFastAdDefaultTimeout → const Duration
The default timeout for loading ads. Default is 15 seconds.
kFastAdRefreshInterval → const int
The default refresh interval for ads. Default is 300 seconds.
kFastAdRewardedBlockDuration → const Duration
kFastAdServiceCacheTTL → const Duration
The default time to keep in cache the ad service response.
kFastAdServiceCacheTTLDebug → const Duration
The default time to keep in cache the ad service response in debug mode.
kFastAdSplashAdTimeThreshold → const int
kFastInterstitialAdThreshold → const int
The threshold for showing an interstitial ad. Default is 3 app launches.
kFastNativeAdAssetSizes → const Map<FastAdSize, double>
kFastNativeAdContainerHeights → const Map<FastAdSize, double>
kFastNativeAdmobEnabled → const bool
kFastSplashAdStoreName → const String
kFastSplashAdThreshold → const int
The threshold for showing a splash ad. Default is 3 app launches.