TimerLogic extension



callBackTheTimerEnd() → void

Available on TimerFastorState, provided by the TimerLogic extension

formatSecondsToMinutesAndSeconds(int seconds) String

Available on TimerFastorState, provided by the TimerLogic extension

int totalSeconds = 125; String formattedTime = formatSecondsToMinutesAndSeconds(totalSeconds); print(formattedTime); // Output: 02:05
hideTimerUI() → void

Available on TimerFastorState, provided by the TimerLogic extension

intervalTimerCreate() Future

Available on TimerFastorState, provided by the TimerLogic extension

isViewMounted() bool

Available on TimerFastorState, provided by the TimerLogic extension

stopTimer() → dynamic

Available on TimerFastorState, provided by the TimerLogic extension

updateUIWithNewTimerValue() → void

Available on TimerFastorState, provided by the TimerLogic extension