πŸ”’ FastCrypt

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FastCrypt is a high-performance, secure encryption library for Dart, leveraging the powerful ChaCha20-Poly1305 algorithm. Designed with versatility in mind, FastCrypt can be seamlessly integrated into Dart applications across various platforms, ensuring your data remains confidential and tamper-proof. With a small code you have cutting-edge encryption in your hands:

final fastCrypt = FastCrypt();
// To encrypt a message
final encrypted = fastCrypt.encryptText('Top secret message');
// To decrypt the message
final decrypted = fastCrypt.decryptText(encrypted);

πŸ“š Table of Contents

πŸ“ Introduction

In the digital age, securing data is paramount. Whether you're developing mobile apps, web applications, or backend services in Dart, ensuring that sensitive information remains protected is crucial. FastCrypt offers a robust solution by implementing the ChaCha20 encryption algorithm combined with Poly1305 for authentication, providing both confidentiality and integrity for your data.

πŸš€ Why FastCrypt?

⚑ Superior Performance

  • Software-Optimized: ChaCha20 outperforms AES on platforms without hardware acceleration
  • Cross-Platform Excellence: Consistent high performance across mobile, web, and server
  • Pure Dart Implementation: No native dependencies or platform-specific code

πŸ” Rock-Solid Security

  • Modern Cryptography: Based on the IETF standard RFC 8439
  • Complete Protection: Combines encryption (ChaCha20) with authentication (Poly1305)
  • Battle-Tested: Used in TLS 1.3 and trusted by major tech companies

πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» Developer-Friendly

  • Simple API: Intuitive methods for both string and byte-based encryption
  • Comprehensive Documentation: Clear examples and explanations
  • Built-in Safety: Automatic key and nonce generation

πŸ”’ Cryptography Basics

Before diving into using FastCrypt, it's essential to understand some fundamental cryptographic concepts. Don't worryβ€”we'll break them down in simple terms!

πŸ”‘ Key

Think of the key as the secret password used to encrypt and decrypt your data. It should be kept confidential; anyone with access to the key can decrypt your data.

  • Length: FastCrypt uses a 32-byte (256-bit) key, providing a high level of security.

πŸ”„ Nonce

A nonce (number used once) is a random value that ensures each encryption operation produces a unique ciphertext, even if the same plaintext and key are used multiple times.

  • Length: FastCrypt uses a 12-byte nonce.

πŸ“‘ AAD (Additional Authenticated Data)

AAD allows you to include additional information that you'd like to authenticate but not encrypt. This data is verified during decryption to ensure it hasn't been tampered with.

  • Use Case: Including headers or metadata alongside your encrypted data.

🏷️ Tag

The tag is a result of the authentication process. It ensures that the ciphertext hasn't been altered and that it originates from a trusted source.

  • Length: FastCrypt generates a 16-byte tag.

πŸ”’ Ciphertext

Ciphertext is the encrypted version of your plaintext data. Without the correct key and nonce, it should be computationally infeasible to revert to the original plaintext.

🌟 Features

  • Authenticated Encryption: Ensures both the confidentiality and integrity of your data.
  • Random Key and Nonce Generation: Provides secure random generation methods for keys and nonces.
  • Flexible API: Supports both string and byte data types for encryption and decryption.
  • Error Handling: Throws specific exceptions (e.g., AuthenticationException) when authentication fails.
  • Lightweight: No dependencies, ensuring your application remains lean.

βš™οΈ Installation

Add FastCrypt to your pubspec.yaml:

  fastcrypt: ^1.0.0

Then, run:

flutter pub get

Note: Replace ^1.0.0 with the latest version available.

πŸš€ Quick Start

Encrypting and Decrypting Strings

Encrypting and decrypting text is straightforward with FastCrypt.

import 'package:fastcrypt/fastcrypt.dart';

void main() {
  final crypt = FastCrypt();

  String plaintext = "Hello, Dart!";

  // Encrypt the plaintext
  EncryptedData encrypted = crypt.encryptString(plaintext);

  print('Ciphertext: ${encrypted.ciphertext}');
  print('Tag: ${encrypted.tag}');
  print('Nonce: ${encrypted.nonce}');

  // Decrypt the ciphertext
  String decrypted = crypt.decryptString(
    ciphertext: encrypted.ciphertext,
    tag: encrypted.tag,
    key: encrypted.key,
    nonce: encrypted.nonce,

  print('Decrypted Text: $decrypted');

Encrypting and Decrypting Bytes

For binary data, use the byte-based methods.

import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:fastcrypt/fastcrypt.dart';

void main() {
  final crypt = FastCrypt();

  // Sample binary data
  List<int> data = utf8.encode("Binary Data Example");

  // Encrypt the data
  EncryptedData encrypted = crypt.encryptBytes(data);

  print('Ciphertext: ${encrypted.ciphertext}');
  print('Tag: ${encrypted.tag}');
  print('Nonce: ${encrypted.nonce}');

  // Decrypt the data
  List<int> decryptedBytes = crypt.decryptBytes(
    ciphertext: encrypted.ciphertext,
    tag: encrypted.tag,
    key: encrypted.key,
    nonce: encrypted.nonce,

  String decrypted = utf8.decode(decryptedBytes);
  print('Decrypted Data: $decrypted');

Generating Keys and Nonces

FastCrypt provides methods to generate a key and a nonce securely. The encrypt and decrypt methods can also generate these values if not provided. If you prefer to generate them separately, you can use the following:

import 'package:fastcrypt/fastcrypt.dart';

void main() {
  // Generate a 32-byte key
  List<int> key = FastCrypt.generateKey();

  // Generate a 12-byte nonce
  List<int> nonce = FastCrypt.generateNonce();

  print('Key: $key');
  print('Nonce: $nonce');

I'll help you add documentation for the ChaCha20Poly1305Encryptor and ChaCha20Poly1305Decryptor classes to your README. Here's how you can include them in your API Reference section:

Stream Transformers

ChaCha20Poly1305Encryptor Class

A stream transformer that encrypts data using ChaCha20-Poly1305, processing it in chunks for efficient memory usage.

final encryptor = ChaCha20Poly1305Encryptor(
  cipher: cipher,
  key: key,
  nonce: nonce,
  aad: aad,         // optional
  chunkSize: 64000, // optional, default is 64KB

// Use with a stream
final encryptedStream = inputStream.transform(encryptor);
  • Parameters:

    • cipher: An instance of ChaCha20Poly1305
    • key: A 32-byte encryption key
    • nonce: A 12-byte nonce
    • aad: Optional additional authenticated data
    • chunkSize: Size of chunks to process (default: 64KB)
  • Output Stream Format:

    1. Nonce (first chunk)
    2. Encrypted data chunks
    3. Authentication tag (final chunk)

ChaCha20Poly1305Decryptor Class

A stream transformer that decrypts data previously encrypted with ChaCha20-Poly1305.

final decryptor = ChaCha20Poly1305Decryptor(
  cipher: cipher,
  key: key,
  aad: aad,         // optional
  chunkSize: 64000, // optional, default is 64KB

// Use with a stream
final decryptedStream = inputStream.transform(decryptor);
  • Parameters:

    • cipher: An instance of ChaCha20Poly1305
    • key: A 32-byte decryption key
    • aad: Optional additional authenticated data
    • chunkSize: Size of chunks to process (default: 64KB)
  • Input Stream Format:

    • Expects data in the format output by ChaCha20Poly1305Encryptor
    • Must include nonce (first 12 bytes) and tag (last 16 bytes)
  • Throws:

    • AuthenticationException: If the authentication tag verification fails
    • StateError: If the input stream is empty
    • ArgumentError: If the input data is too short to contain nonce and tag

🧩 Examples

Encrypting a Message with AAD

Including AAD enhances security by binding additional data to the ciphertext.

import 'package:fastcrypt/fastcrypt.dart';

void main() {
  final crypt = FastCrypt();

  String message = "Sensitive Information";
  List<int> aad = utf8.encode("User ID: 12345");

  // Encrypt with AAD
  EncryptedData encrypted = crypt.encryptString(
    aad: aad,

  print('Ciphertext: ${encrypted.ciphertext}');
  print('Tag: ${encrypted.tag}');
  print('Nonce: ${encrypted.nonce}');

  // Decrypt with AAD
  try {
    String decrypted = crypt.decryptString(
      ciphertext: encrypted.ciphertext,
      tag: encrypted.tag,
      key: encrypted.key,
      nonce: encrypted.nonce,
      aad: aad,
    print('Decrypted Message: $decrypted');
  } catch (e) {
    print('Decryption failed: $e');

If the AAD provided during decryption doesn't match the one used during encryption, decryption will fail, ensuring data integrity.

Usage with Streams

import 'package:fastcrypt/fastcrypt.dart';

void main() async {
  final cipher = ChaCha20Poly1305();
  final key = FastCrypt.generateKey();
  final nonce = FastCrypt.generateNonce();

  // Create transformers
  final encryptor = ChaCha20Poly1305Encryptor(
    cipher: cipher,
    key: key,
    nonce: nonce,

  final decryptor = ChaCha20Poly1305Decryptor(
    cipher: cipher,
    key: key,

  // Example stream encryption and decryption
  final inputData = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
  final inputStream = Stream.fromIterable([inputData]);

  // Encrypt
  final encryptedStream = inputStream.transform(encryptor);
  final encryptedData = await encryptedStream.toList();

  // Decrypt
  final decryptStream = Stream.fromIterable(encryptedData)
  final decryptedData = await decryptStream.toList();

  print('Decrypted: ${decryptedData.first}');

πŸ“˜ API Reference

FastCrypt Class


  • generateKey()

    Generates a secure 32-byte random key.

    static List<int> generateKey();
  • generateNonce()

    Generates a secure 12-byte random nonce.

    static List<int> generateNonce();
  • encryptString(String plaintext, {List<int>? key, List<int>? nonce, List<int> aad = const []})

    Encrypts a plaintext string.

    • Parameters:

      • plaintext: The text to encrypt.
      • key: Optional 32-byte key. If not provided, a new key is generated.
      • nonce: Optional 12-byte nonce. If not provided, a new nonce is generated.
      • aad: Optional additional authenticated data.
    • Returns: EncryptedData object containing ciphertext, tag, and nonce.

  • decryptString({required List<int> ciphertext, required List<int> tag, required List<int> key, required List<int> nonce, List<int> aad = const []})

    Decrypts ciphertext to retrieve the original string.

    • Parameters:

      • ciphertext: The encrypted data.
      • tag: The authentication tag.
      • key: The 32-byte key used during encryption.
      • nonce: The 12-byte nonce used during encryption.
      • aad: The same additional authenticated data used during encryption.
    • Returns: Decrypted plaintext string.

    • Throws: AuthenticationException if authentication fails.

  • encryptBytes(List<int> plaintext, {List<int>? key, List<int>? nonce, List<int> aad = const []})

    Encrypts plaintext bytes.

    • Parameters: Same as encryptString.

    • Returns: EncryptedData object.

  • decryptBytes({required List<int> ciphertext, required List<int> tag, required List<int> key, required List<int> nonce, List<int> aad = const []})

    Decrypts ciphertext bytes.

    • Parameters: Same as decryptString.

    • Returns: Decrypted plaintext bytes.

    • Throws: AuthenticationException if authentication fails.

πŸ›‘οΈ Security Considerations

  • Key Management: Always store your encryption keys securely. Consider using secure storage solutions like the device's keychain or secure environment variables.

  • Nonce Uniqueness: Never reuse a nonce with the same key. Reusing nonces can lead to vulnerabilities, potentially exposing your plaintext.

  • Authentication: Always verify the tag during decryption to ensure the data's integrity and authenticity.

  • Randomness: Utilize the provided key and nonce generation methods to ensure cryptographic randomness.

βœ… Best Practices

  1. Never Reuse Keys or Nonces

    // Good: Generate new values for each encryption
    final key = FastCrypt.generateKey();
    final nonce = FastCrypt.generateNonce();
    // Bad: Reusing values
    final reusedKey = savedKey; // Don't do this!
  2. Secure Key Storage

    // Good: Use secure storage
    final storage = YourSecureStorage();
    await storage.write(key: 'encryption_key', value: key);
    // Bad: Storing in plain text
    SharedPreferences.setText('key', key); // Don't do this!
  3. Handle Errors Properly

    try {
      final decrypted = fastCrypt.decryptString(...);
    } on AuthenticationException {
      // Handle tampering attempt
      logSecurityEvent('Data tampering detected');
    } catch (e) {
      // Handle other errors
      logError('Encryption error', e);

🀝 Contributing

Contributions are welcome! Whether it's reporting a bug, suggesting a feature, or submitting a pull request, your involvement helps make FastCrypt better.

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create your feature branch: git checkout -b feature/name.
  3. Commit your changes: git commit -m 'Add some feature'.
  4. Push to the branch: git push origin feature/name.
  5. Open a pull request.

Please ensure your code adheres to the existing style and includes relevant tests.

πŸ“œ License

FastCrypt is MIT Licensed.

πŸ“š References

