init static method

Future<void> init({
  1. String? subDir,
  2. Duration? clearCacheAfter,

init function initializes the cache management system. Use this code only once in the app in main to avoid errors. You can provide a subDir where the boxes should be stored. clearCacheAfter property is used to set a duration after which the cache will be cleared. Default value of clearCacheAfter is 7 days which means if clearCacheAfter is set to null, an image cached today will be cleared when you open the app after 7 days from now.


static Future<void> init({String? subDir, Duration? clearCacheAfter}) async {
  if (_isInitialized) return;

  clearCacheAfter ??= const Duration(days: 7);

  await Hive.initFlutter(subDir);
  _isInitialized = true;

  _imageKeyBox = await Hive.openLazyBox(_BoxNames.imagesKeyBox);
  _imageBox = await Hive.openLazyBox(_BoxNames.imagesBox);
  await _clearOldCache(clearCacheAfter);