fast_cached_network_image library


FastCachedImage creates a widget to display network images. This widget downloads the network image when this widget is build for the first time. Later whenever this widget is called the image will be displayed from the downloaded database instead of the network. This can avoid unnecessary downloads and load images much faster. Provide the url for the image to display. errorBuilder must return a widget. This widget will be displayed if there is any error in downloading or displaying the downloaded image loadingBuilder must return a widget. This widget is shown when the image is being downloaded and processed fadeInDuration can be adjusted to change the duration of the fade transition between the loadingBuilder and the actual image. Default value is 500 ms. disableErrorLogs can be set to true if you want to ignore error logs from the widget
FastCachedImageConfig is the class to set the configurations. init function initializes the cache management system. The path param must be a valid location such as temporary directory in android. clearCacheAfter property is used to set a duration after which the cache will be cleared. Default value of clearCacheAfter is 7 days which means if clearCacheAfter is set to null, an image cached today will be cleared when you open the app after 7 days from now.