
faabul_color_conversion is used by Faabul Color Picker package and developed by Faabul Live Quizzes.

Getting Started

To convert Color to String, call asWebColor() on the Color object:

final color = Colors.teal;
final hex = color.asWebColor();

To parse a String to Color, call parseAsColor() on the String object:

final color = '#8D3B72'.parseAsColor();

String can be either RRGGBB or AARRGGBB format, case insensitive.

parseAsColor() method will throw FormatException if the string is not a valid color. For convenience, you can use tryParseAsColor() method instead, which will return null if the string is not a valid color:

final color = '#INVALID'.tryParseAsColor(); // null


This package is a simple extension to the Color and String classes that add following methods: