Easy to use, tiny Time library for when you just need time without all that DateTime nonsense.


  • Conversion to and from Strings
  • Conversion to and from milliseconds as ints
  • Addition and subtraction

Getting started

To get started, simply import the library with import 'package:eztime/eztime.dart' and create a Time object

var t = Time.fromString("12:00:00");
// or
var t = Time.fromMilliseconds(43200000); // 12 hours
// or
var t = Time(12, 00, 00) 


Addition and subtraction

Time(12) + Time(0, 30); // 12:30:00
Time(10) - Time(5); // 05:00:00
Time(10, 0, 0, true) + Time(5); // -10:00:00 + 05:00:00 = -05:00:00

Conversion to and from more familiar formats

print(Time.fromString("00:30:00").toString()); // 00:30:00
print(Time(0, 1, 5).asMilliseconds); // 65000

Additional information

Source code found at https://github.com/jaq-the-cat/eztime. Contribute at any time with anything, I'm pretty much always on GitHub :P


Easy to use, tiny Time library for when you just need time without all that DateTime nonsense.