dependsOn method

EzValidator<T> dependsOn({
  1. required bool condition(
    1. Map? ref
  2. required EzValidator<T> then,
  3. EzValidator<T>? orElse,

Dynamically adjust field validation based on another field's value.

condition is a function that takes the value of the field specified by ref and evaluates it to return a boolean. If true, then is applied; if false, orElse is applied.

then specifies the EzValidator instance to use for validation when condition evaluates to true. It defines how the field should be validated if the condition is met.

orElse specifies the EzValidator instance to use for validation when condition evaluates to false. It provides an alternative validation logic for when the condition is not met.


EzValidator<T> dependsOn({
  required bool Function(Map<dynamic, dynamic>? ref) condition,
  required EzValidator<T> then,
  EzValidator<T>? orElse,
}) {
  return addValidation((value, [formData]) {
    if (condition(formData)) {
      for (var validation in then.validations) {
        final error = validation(value, formData);
        if (error != null) {
          return error;
    } else if (orElse != null) {
      for (var validation in orElse.validations) {
        final error = validation(value, formData);
        if (error != null) {
          return error;
    return null;