CommonValidatorExtensions<T> extension



addMethod(bool validWhen(T? v), [String? message]) EzValidator<T>
add a custom validation
dependsOn({required bool condition(Map? ref), required EzValidator<T> then, EzValidator<T>? orElse}) EzValidator<T>
Dynamically adjust field validation based on another field's value.
isType(Type type, [String? message]) EzValidator<T>
add a validation to check if the value is of type type message is the message to return if the validation fails
maxLength(int maxLength, [String? message]) EzValidator<T>
add a validation to check if the value is less than maxLength message is the message to return if the validation fails
minLength(int minLength, [String? message]) EzValidator<T>
add a validation to check if the value is less than minLength message is the message to return if the validation fails
required([String? message]) EzValidator<T>
add a validation to check if the value is null or empty message is the message to return if the validation fails
transform(T transformFunction(T)) EzValidator<T>
Transform the value before running the validation transformFunction is the function to run on the value
when(ValidationCallback<T> validator) EzValidator<T>
adjust the validation based on the value of another field