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A collection of useful Dart/Flutter Extension functions and Helper functions for faster development. This was developed to aide developers write minimized but powerful codes. This makes for codes re-usability and easy coding reading. It's aimed at enhancing productivity and improving code readability.

Table of Contents


To use the extensionresoft library in your Flutter project, add it to your pubspec.yaml file:

  extensionresoft: ^0.0.5

Then, run:

flutter pub get

to install the dependencies.


Import the extensionresoft library in your Dart files:

import 'package:extensionresoft/extensionresoft.dart';

You can now use any of the extensions provided by the library in your Flutter project.


The extensionresoft library includes the following major extensions among others:

  • SpaceExtension: Provides methods for creating SizedBox widgets with customizable dimensions.
  • CustomCardExtension: Offers methods for creating custom Card widgets with rounded corners and other properties.
  • PathExtension: Provides a method for applying functions to numbers.
  • TextExtension: Offers a method for creating Text widgets with customizable properties from strings.
  • CustomImageExtension: Provides methods for creating Image widgets and circular image containers with customizable properties.
  • Conditional Function: Provides functions for conditionally returning values.
  • Get Function: Provides a function for getting values with optional default values.
  • SharedPreferencesService: Manages SharedPreferences for storing and retrieving various data types.


Check out the Examples section below for code examples demonstrating how to use the extensions provided by the extensionresoft library.

import 'package:extensionresoft/extensionresoft.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

void main() {
  // SpaceExtension Example
  final spacerX = 16.spaceX(); // Creates a SizedBox with a width of 16.
  final spacerY = 24.spaceY(); // Creates a SizedBox with a height of 24.
  final spacerXY = 32.spaceXY(); // Creates a SizedBox with both width and height of 32.
  final spacerXGetter = 20.spX; // Getter example: Creates a SizedBox with a width of 20.
  final spacerYGetter = 30.spY; // Getter example: Creates a SizedBox with a height of 30.
  final spacerXYGetter = 40.spXY; // Getter example: Creates a SizedBox with both width and height of 40.

  // CustomCardExtension Example
  final roundedCard = 16.radius(
    child: const Text('Hello World'),
    elevation: 4,
    color: Colors.blue,
    strokeColor: Colors.black,
    shadowColor: Colors.grey,
  ); // Creates a rounded card with specified properties.

  // PathExtension Example
  final result = 16.p((n) => n * 2); // Applies a function to the number 16 and returns the result.

  // TextExtension Example
  final textWidget = 'Hello'.edit(textStyle: const TextStyle(fontSize: 20), textAlign: TextAlign.center); // Creates a customized Text widget.

  // CustomImageExtension Example
  final imageWidget = 'assets/image.png'.img(width: 100, height: 100, fit: BoxFit.cover); // Creates an Image widget from an asset with specified properties.
  final circleImageContainer = 'assets/avatar.png'.circleImage(fit: BoxFit.cover, opacity: 0.8); // Creates a circular image container with specified properties.

  // Conditional Function Example
  final conditionResult = condition(true, 'True Value', 'False Value'); // Returns 'True Value' based on the condition.
  final conditionFunctionResult = conditionFunction(true, () => 'True Value', () => 'False Value'); // Invokes a function based on the condition.

  // Get Function Example
  final value = get('Existing Value', 'Default Value'); // Returns 'Existing Value' if not null, otherwise returns 'Default Value'.

  // SharedPreferencesService Example
  await SharedPreferencesService.init(); // Initializes SharedPreferencesService.
  await SharedPreferencesService.setBool('isDarkMode', true); // Sets a boolean value in SharedPreferences.
  final isDarkMode = SharedPreferencesService.getBool('isDarkMode'); // Retrieves the boolean value from SharedPreferences.


Check out unit tests for the extensionresoft library to ensure the functionality of each extension.

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart';
import 'package:extensionresoft/extensionresoft.dart';

void main() {
  group('SpaceExtension', () {
    test('spaceX should return a SizedBox with specified width', () {
      final spacerX = 16.spaceX();
      expect(spacerX.width, equals(16.0));

    test('spaceY should return a SizedBox with specified height', () {
      final spacerY = 24.spaceY();
      expect(spacerY.height, equals(24.0));

    test('spaceXY should return a SizedBox with specified width and height', () {
      final spacerXY = 32.spaceXY();
      expect(spacerXY.width, equals(32.0));
      expect(spacerXY.height, equals(32.0));

    test('spX getter should return a SizedBox with specified width', () {
      final spacerXGetter = 20.spX;
      expect(spacerXGetter.width, equals(20.0));

    test('spY getter should return a SizedBox with specified height', () {
      final spacerYGetter = 30.spY;
      expect(spacerYGetter.height, equals(30.0));

    test('spXY getter should return a SizedBox with specified width and height', () {
      final spacerXYGetter = 40.spXY;
      expect(spacerXYGetter.width, equals(40.0));
      expect(spacerXYGetter.height, equals(40.0));

  group('CustomCardExtension', () {
    test('radius should return a Card widget with specified properties', () {
      final Card roundedCard = 16.radius(
        child: const Text('Test'),
        elevation: 4,
        color: Colors.blue,
        strokeColor: Colors.black,
        shadowColor: Colors.grey,
      ) as Card;

      expect(roundedCard.elevation, equals(4));
      expect(roundedCard.color, equals(Colors.blue));
      expect(roundedCard.shadowColor, equals(Colors.grey));

  group('PathExtension', () {
    test('p function should apply function to number and return result', () {
      final result = 16.p((n) => n * 2);
      expect(result, equals(32.0));

  group('TextExtension', () {
    test('edit function should return a Text widget with specified properties', () {
      final textWidget = 'Hello'.edit(textStyle: const TextStyle(fontSize: 20), textAlign: TextAlign.center);
      expect(textWidget.data, equals('Hello'));
      expect(textWidget.style!.fontSize, equals(20));
      expect(textWidget.textAlign, equals(TextAlign.center));

  group('CustomImageExtension', () {
    test('img function should return an Image widget with specified properties', () {
      final imageWidget = 'assets/image.png'.img(width: 100, height: 100, fit: BoxFit.cover);
      expect(imageWidget.width, equals(100.0));
      expect(imageWidget.height, equals(100.0));

    test('circleImage function should return a Container widget with circular image decoration', () {
      final circleImageContainer = 'assets/avatar.png'.circleImage(fit: BoxFit.cover, opacity: 0.8);
      //expect(circleImageContainer.decoration!.shape, equals(BoxShape.circle));

  group('Conditional Function', () {
    test('condition function should return correct value based on condition', () {
      final result = condition(true, 'True Value', 'False Value');
      expect(result, equals('True Value'));

    test('conditionFunction should invoke correct function based on condition', () {
      final result = conditionFunction(true, () => 'True Value', () => 'False Value');
      expect(result, equals('True Value'));

  group('Get Function', () {
    test('get function should return correct value based on key and default value', () {
      final result = get('Existing Value', 'Default Value');
      expect(result, equals('Existing Value'));


(None applicable in this current release)


Contributions to the extensionresoft library are welcome! If you have any ideas for new extensions or improvements to existing ones, please open an issue or submit a pull request on GitHub.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

