StringCheckers extension



isBinary bool

Available on String, provided by the StringCheckers extension

Returns true if string is Binary string. Binary String: only contains 0(s) and 1(s).
no setter
isBlanksOnly bool

Available on String, provided by the StringCheckers extension

Returns true if only whitespaces are present.
no setter
isBool bool

Available on String, provided by the StringCheckers extension

Returns true if string is double.
no setter
isDecimal bool

Available on String, provided by the StringCheckers extension

Returns true if string is Decimal number. Decimal String: only contains digits 0-9.
no setter
isDouble bool

Available on String, provided by the StringCheckers extension

Returns true if string is double.
no setter
isHexadecimal bool

Available on String, provided by the StringCheckers extension

Returns true if string is Hexadecimal string. Hexadecimal String: only contains digits 0-9 and characters A-F or a-f
no setter
isOctal bool

Available on String, provided by the StringCheckers extension

Returns true if string is Octal string. Octal String: only contains digits 0-7.
no setter