EditActionDetails class




config EditorConfig?
getter/setter pair
cropAspectRatio double?
current aspect ratio of crop rect
getter/setter pair
cropRect Rect?
getter/setter pair
cropRectLayoutRect Rect?
no setter
cropRectLayoutRectCenter Offset?
no setter
cropRectPadding EdgeInsets?
getter/setter pair
delta Offset
getter/setter pair
flipY bool
no setter
hasEditAction bool
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setteroverride
hasRotateDegrees bool
no setter
isHalfPi bool
no setter
isPi bool
no setter
isTwoPi bool
no setter
layerDestinationRect Rect?
destination rect base on layer
no setter
layoutRect Rect?
no setter
layoutTopLeft Offset?
no setter
needCrop bool
no setter
needFlip bool
no setter
originalAspectRatio double?
aspect ratio of image
getter/setter pair
originalCropAspectRatio double?
the original aspect ratio
no setter
preTotalScale double
getter/setter pair
rawDestinationRect Rect?
no setter
rotateDegrees double
no setter
rotateRadians double
getter/setter pair
rotationYRadians double
getter/setter pair
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
screenCropRect Rect?
no setter
screenDestinationRect Rect?
no setter
screenFocalPoint Offset?
getter/setter pair
totalScale double
getter/setter pair


copyWith({Rect? layoutRect, Rect? screenDestinationRect, Rect? rawDestinationRect, double? totalScale, double? preTotalScale, Offset? delta, Offset? screenFocalPoint, EdgeInsets? cropRectPadding, Rect? cropRect, double? originalAspectRatio, double? cropAspectRatio, double? rotateRadians, double? rotationYRadians}) EditActionDetails
The copyWith method allows you to create a modified copy of an instance.
getFinalDestinationRect() Rect
getImagePath({Rect? rect}) Path
The path of the processed image, displayed on the screen
getIntersection(Offset p1, Offset p2, Offset p3, Offset p4) Offset?
getLineRectIntersections(Rect rect, Offset p1, Offset p2) List<Offset>
getRectWithScale(Rect rect, double totalScale) Rect
getTransform({Offset? center}) Matrix4
initRect(Rect layoutRect, Rect destinationRect) → void
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
reverseRotateRadians(double rotateRadians) double
rotateOffset(Offset input, Offset center, double angle) Offset
rotateRect(Rect rect, Offset center, double angle) Rect
scaleToFit(List<Offset> rectVertices, Rect rect) double
scaleToFitCropRect() double
scaleToFitImageRect() double
scaleToFitRect(double maxScale) → void
scaleToMatchRect(List<Offset> rectVertices, Rect rect) double
setScreenDestinationRect(Rect value) → void
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
updateCropRect(Rect cropRect) Rect
updateDelta(Offset delta) → void
updateRotateRadians(double rotateRadians, double maxScale) → void
updateScale(double totalScale) → void


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.