ExpandableSlider constructor

const ExpandableSlider({
  1. required double value,
  2. required void onChanged(
    1. double
  3. void onChangeStart(
    1. double
  4. void onChangeEnd(
    1. double
  5. void onExpansionStart()?,
  6. void onShrinkageStart()?,
  7. double estimatedValueStep = 1,
  8. double? shrunkWidth,
  9. Color? inactiveColor,
  10. Color? activeColor,
  11. double min = 0,
  12. double max = 1,
  13. Duration expansionDuration = durations.mediumPresenting,
  14. Duration shrinkageDuration = durations.mediumDismissing,
  15. Duration snapCenterScrollDuration = durations.longPresenting,
  16. Duration sideScrollDuration = durations.shortPresenting,
  17. Curve expansionCurve = curves.exiting,
  18. Curve shrinkageCurve = curves.entering,
  19. Curve snapCenterScrollCurve = curves.base,
  20. Curve sideScrollCurve = curves.base,
  21. bool expandsOnLongPress = true,
  22. bool expandsOnScale = true,
  23. bool expandsOnDoubleTap = false,
  24. ScrollBehavior scrollBehavior = const ScrollBehavior(),
  25. ExpandableSliderController? controller,
  26. Key? key,

Creates a Material Design slider that can be expanded to select values with more precision.

See also:

  • Slider, which is a widget used to select from a range of values.


const ExpandableSlider({
  required this.value,
  required this.onChanged,
  this.estimatedValueStep = 1,
  this.min = 0,
  this.max = 1,
  this.expansionDuration = durations.mediumPresenting,
  this.shrinkageDuration = durations.mediumDismissing,
  this.snapCenterScrollDuration = durations.longPresenting,
  this.sideScrollDuration = durations.shortPresenting,
  this.expansionCurve = curves.exiting,
  this.shrinkageCurve = curves.entering,
  this.snapCenterScrollCurve = curves.base,
  this.sideScrollCurve = curves.base,
  this.expandsOnLongPress = true,
  this.expandsOnScale = true,
  this.expandsOnDoubleTap = false,
  this.scrollBehavior = const ScrollBehavior(),
  Key? key,
})  : _sliderType = _SliderType.material,
      super(key: key);