ExpandableSlider class

A slider that can be expanded to select values with more precision.

This widget is based on Flutter's Slider widget.

An expandable slider can have two status: "shrunk" and "expanded". An ExpandableSlider will always be a discrete Slider, i.e., a Slider with non-null Slider.divisions.

When shrunk, the default behavior will be that of a Flutter's Slider, that is, both the min and max values of the slider are visible and reachable by the slider thumb. Depending on the estimatedValueStep and shrunkWidth properties, a shrunk expandable slider can either have visible or invisible divisions: the divisions will be visible if the ExpandableSlider has enough room to present the divisions, and the divisions will be invisible otherwise.

An expanded ExpandableSlider will always have visible divisions, and the spacing between divisions will always be enough for the user to move the slider thumb between divisions easily. On the other hand, the min and max values of the slider might not be visible when the slider is expanded. If, while expanded, the slider thumb tries to exit the viewport, an animation will be triggered to move the viewport such that the slider thumb becomes visible again. This animation can be either:

  • A "snap center" animation, which is a scrolling animation that occurs when the slider is expanded and the value changes in such a way that would cause the slider thumb to travel as many pixels as 0.875 times the width of the viewport. This animation causes the slider thumb to return to the center of the viewport.
  • A "side scroll" animation, which is a scrolling animation that occurs when the slider is expanded and the value changes in such a way that would cause the slider thumb to exit the viewport, but not by travelling as many pixels as 0.875 times the width of the viewport. This animation does not cause the slider thumb to return to the center of the viewport.

Just like with Slider, the visual appearance can be finely tuned with SliderTheme and SliderThemeData.

See also:

  • Slider, which is a widget used to select from a range of values.
  • SliderTheme and SliderThemeData for information about controlling the visual appearance of the slider.


ExpandableSlider({required double value, required void onChanged(double), void onChangeStart(double)?, void onChangeEnd(double)?, void onExpansionStart()?, void onShrinkageStart()?, double estimatedValueStep = 1, double? shrunkWidth, Color? inactiveColor, Color? activeColor, double min = 0, double max = 1, Duration expansionDuration = durations.mediumPresenting, Duration shrinkageDuration = durations.mediumDismissing, Duration snapCenterScrollDuration = durations.longPresenting, Duration sideScrollDuration = durations.shortPresenting, Curve expansionCurve = curves.exiting, Curve shrinkageCurve = curves.entering, Curve snapCenterScrollCurve = curves.base, Curve sideScrollCurve = curves.base, bool expandsOnLongPress = true, bool expandsOnScale = true, bool expandsOnDoubleTap = false, ScrollBehavior scrollBehavior = const ScrollBehavior(), ExpandableSliderController? controller, Key? key})
Creates a Material Design slider that can be expanded to select values with more precision.
ExpandableSlider.adaptive({required double value, required void onChanged(double), void onChangeStart(double)?, void onChangeEnd(double)?, void onExpansionStart()?, void onShrinkageStart()?, double estimatedValueStep = 1, double? shrunkWidth, Color? inactiveColor, Color? activeColor, double min = 0, double max = 1, Duration expansionDuration = durations.mediumPresenting, Duration shrinkageDuration = durations.mediumDismissing, Duration snapCenterScrollDuration = durations.longPresenting, Duration sideScrollDuration = durations.shortPresenting, Curve expansionCurve = curves.exiting, Curve shrinkageCurve = curves.entering, Curve snapCenterScrollCurve = curves.base, Curve sideScrollCurve = curves.base, bool expandsOnLongPress = true, bool expandsOnScale = true, bool expandsOnDoubleTap = false, ScrollBehavior scrollBehavior = const ScrollBehavior(), ExpandableSliderController? controller, Key? key})
Creates an ExpandableSlider that takes the appearance of a CupertinoSlider if the target platform is iOS, or that of a Material Design slider otherwise.


activeColor Color?
The color to use for the portion of the slider track that is active.
controller ExpandableSliderController?
An object that can be used to control the animations of the slider.
estimatedValueStep double
The estimated value change when the slider thumb jumps between divisions.
expandsOnDoubleTap bool
Whether to expand or shrink the slider when performing a double tap on it.
expandsOnLongPress bool
Whether to expand or shrink the slider when performing a long press on it.
expandsOnScale bool
Whether to expand or shrink the slider when performing a scale gesture on it.
expansionCurve Curve
The curve to use in the expansion animation.
expansionDuration Duration
The length of time the slider expansion animation animation should last.
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
inactiveColor Color?
The color for the inactive portion of the slider track.
key Key?
Controls how one widget replaces another widget in the tree.
max double
The maximum value the user can select.
min double
The minimum value the user can select.
onChanged → void Function(double)
Called during a drag when the user is selecting a new value.
onChangeEnd → (void Function(double)?)
Called when the user is done selecting a new value for the slider.
onChangeStart → (void Function(double)?)
Called when the user starts selecting a new value for the slider.
onExpansionStart → (void Function()?)
Called when the slider starts an expansion animation.
onShrinkageStart → (void Function()?)
Called when the slider starts a shrinkage animation.
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
scrollBehavior ScrollBehavior
How the ScrollView that wraps the slider should behave.
shrinkageCurve Curve
The curve to use in the shrinkage animation.
shrinkageDuration Duration
The length of time the shrinkage animation should last.
shrunkWidth double?
If non-null, requires the slider to have exactly this width when shrunk.
sideScrollCurve Curve
The curve to use in the scrolling animation that occurs when the slider is expanded and the value changes in such a way that would cause the slider thumb to exit the viewport, but not by travelling as many pixels as 0.875 times the width of the viewport.
sideScrollDuration Duration
The duration of the scrolling animation that occurs when the slider is expanded and the value changes in such a way that would cause the slider thumb to exit the viewport, but not by travelling as many pixels as 0.875 times the width of the viewport.
snapCenterScrollCurve Curve
The curve to use in the scrolling animation that occurs when the slider is expanded and the value changes in such a way that would cause the slider to travel as many pixels as 0.875 times the width of the viewport.
snapCenterScrollDuration Duration
The duration of the scrolling animation that occurs when the slider is expanded and the value changes in such a way that would cause the slider thumb to travel as many pixels as 0.875 times the width of the viewport.
value double
The currently selected value for this slider.


createElement() StatefulElement
Creates a StatefulElement to manage this widget's location in the tree.
createState() → _ExpandableSliderState
Creates the mutable state for this widget at a given location in the tree.
debugDescribeChildren() List<DiagnosticsNode>
Returns a list of DiagnosticsNode objects describing this node's children.
debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) → void
Add additional properties associated with the node.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toDiagnosticsNode({String? name, DiagnosticsTreeStyle? style}) DiagnosticsNode
Returns a debug representation of the object that is used by debugging tools and by DiagnosticsNode.toStringDeep.
toString({DiagnosticLevel minLevel = DiagnosticLevel.info}) String
A string representation of this object.
toStringDeep({String prefixLineOne = '', String? prefixOtherLines, DiagnosticLevel minLevel = DiagnosticLevel.debug}) String
Returns a string representation of this node and its descendants.
toStringShallow({String joiner = ', ', DiagnosticLevel minLevel = DiagnosticLevel.debug}) String
Returns a one-line detailed description of the object.
toStringShort() String
A short, textual description of this widget.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.