FontFamily enum





Al_Bayan_Plain → const FontFamily
Abadi_MT_Condensed_Light → const FontFamily
Abadi_MT_Condensed_Extra_Bold → const FontFamily
Al_Nile → const FontFamily
Al_Tarikh_Regular → const FontFamily
American_Typewriter → const FontFamily
Andale_Mono → const FontFamily
Angsana_New → const FontFamily
Apple_Braille_Outline_8_Dot → const FontFamily
Apple_Chancery → const FontFamily
Apple_Color_Emoji → const FontFamily
Apple_Symbols → const FontFamily
Arial → const FontFamily
Arial_Hebrew → const FontFamily
Arial_Hebrew_Scholar → const FontFamily
Arial_Narrow → const FontFamily
Arial_Rounded_MT_Bold → const FontFamily
Arial_Unicode_MS → const FontFamily
Athelas_Regular → const FontFamily
Avenir_Book → const FontFamily
Avenir_Next_Regular → const FontFamily
Avenir_Next_Condensed_Regular → const FontFamily
Ayuthaya → const FontFamily
Baghdad → const FontFamily
Bangla_MN → const FontFamily
Bangla_Sangam_MN → const FontFamily
Baskerville → const FontFamily
Baskerville_Old_Face → const FontFamily
Bauhaus_93 → const FontFamily
Beirut → const FontFamily
Bell_MT → const FontFamily
Bernard_MT_Condensed → const FontFamily
Big_Caslon → const FontFamily
Bodoni_72 → const FontFamily
Bodoni_72_Oldstyle → const FontFamily
Bodoni_72_Smallcaps → const FontFamily
Bodoni_Ornaments → const FontFamily
Book_Antiqua → const FontFamily
Bookman_Old_Style → const FontFamily
Bookshelf_Symbol_7 → const FontFamily
Bradley_Hand → const FontFamily
Braggadocio → const FontFamily
Britannic_Bold → const FontFamily
Brush_Script_MT → const FontFamily
Calibri → const FontFamily
Calisto_MT → const FontFamily
Cambria → const FontFamily
Cambria_Math → const FontFamily
Candara → const FontFamily
Century → const FontFamily
Century_Gothic → const FontFamily
Century_Schoolbook → const FontFamily
Chalkboard → const FontFamily
Chalkboard_SE → const FontFamily
Chalkduster → const FontFamily
Charter → const FontFamily
Cochin → const FontFamily
Colonna_MT → const FontFamily
Comic_Sans_MS → const FontFamily
Consolas → const FontFamily
Constantia → const FontFamily
Cooper_Black → const FontFamily
Copperplate → const FontFamily
Copperplate_Gothic_Bold → const FontFamily
Corbel → const FontFamily
Cordia_New → const FontFamily
CordiaUPC → const FontFamily
Corsiva_Hebrew → const FontFamily
Courier → const FontFamily
Courier_New → const FontFamily
Curlz_MT → const FontFamily
Damascus → const FontFamily
David → const FontFamily
DecoType_Naskh → const FontFamily
Desdemona → const FontFamily
Devanagari_MT → const FontFamily
Devanagari_Sangam_MN → const FontFamily
Didot → const FontFamily
DIN_Alternate → const FontFamily
DIN_Condensed → const FontFamily
Diwan_Kufi → const FontFamily
Diwan_Thuluth → const FontFamily
Dubai → const FontFamily
Edwardian_Script_ITC → const FontFamily
Engravers_MT → const FontFamily
Euphemia_UCAS → const FontFamily
Eurostile → const FontFamily
Farah → const FontFamily
Farisi → const FontFamily
Footlight_MT_Light → const FontFamily
Franklin_Gothic_Book → const FontFamily
Franklin_Gothic_Demi → const FontFamily
Franklin_Gothic_Demi_Cond → const FontFamily
Franklin_Gothic_Heavy → const FontFamily
Franklin_Gothic_Medium → const FontFamily
Franklin_Gothic_Medium_Cond → const FontFamily
Futura → const FontFamily
Gabriola → const FontFamily
Galvji → const FontFamily
Garamond → const FontFamily
Gautami → const FontFamily
Geeza_Pro → const FontFamily
Geneva → const FontFamily
Georgia → const FontFamily
Gill_Sans → const FontFamily
Gill_Sans_MT → const FontFamily
Gill_Sans_MT_Condensed → const FontFamily
Gill_Sans_MT_Ext_Condensed_Bold → const FontFamily
Gill_Sans_Ultra_Bold → const FontFamily
Gloucester_MT_Extra_Condensed → const FontFamily
Goudy_Old_Style → const FontFamily
Gujarati_MT → const FontFamily
Gujarati_Sangam_MN → const FontFamily
Gurmukhi_MN → const FontFamily
Gurmukhi_MT → const FontFamily
Gurmukhi_Sangam_MN → const FontFamily
Haettenschweiler → const FontFamily
Harrington → const FontFamily
Helvetica → const FontFamily
Helvetica_Neue → const FontFamily
Herculanum → const FontFamily
Hoefler_Text → const FontFamily
Impact → const FontFamily
Imprint_MT_Shadow → const FontFamily
InaiMathi → const FontFamily
Iowan_Old_Style → const FontFamily
ITF_Devanagari → const FontFamily
ITF_Devanagari_Marathi → const FontFamily
Kailasa → const FontFamily
Kannada_MN → const FontFamily
Kannada_Sangam_MN → const FontFamily
Kartika → const FontFamily
Kefa → const FontFamily
Khmer_MN → const FontFamily
Khmer_Sangam_MN → const FontFamily
Kino_MT → const FontFamily
Kohinoor_Bangla → const FontFamily
Kohinoor_Devanagari → const FontFamily
Kohinoor_Gujarati → const FontFamily
Kohinoor_Telugu → const FontFamily
Kokonor → const FontFamily
Lao_MN → const FontFamily
Lao_Sangam_MN → const FontFamily
Latha → const FontFamily
Lucida_Blackletter → const FontFamily
Lucida_Bright → const FontFamily
Lucida_Calligraphy → const FontFamily
Lucida_Console → const FontFamily
Lucida_Fax → const FontFamily
Lucida_Grande → const FontFamily
Lucida_Handwriting → const FontFamily
Lucida_Sans → const FontFamily
Lucida_Sans_Typewriter → const FontFamily
Lucida_Sans_Unicode → const FontFamily
Luminari → const FontFamily
Malayalam_MN → const FontFamily
Malayalam_Sangam_MN → const FontFamily
Mangal → const FontFamily
Marion → const FontFamily
Marker_Felt → const FontFamily
Marlett → const FontFamily
Matura_MT_Script_Capitals → const FontFamily
Menlo → const FontFamily
Microsoft_New_Tai_Lue → const FontFamily
Microsoft_Sans_Serif → const FontFamily
Microsoft_Tai_Le → const FontFamily
Microsoft_Yi_Baiti → const FontFamily
Mishafi → const FontFamily
Mishafi_Gold → const FontFamily
Mistral → const FontFamily
Monaco → const FontFamily
Monotype_Corsiva → const FontFamily
Monotype_Sorts → const FontFamily
MS_Reference_Sans_Serif → const FontFamily
MS_Reference_Specialty → const FontFamily
Mshtakan → const FontFamily
MT_Extra → const FontFamily
Mukta_Mahee → const FontFamily
Muna → const FontFamily
Myanmar_MN → const FontFamily
Myanmar_Sangam_MN → const FontFamily
Myanmar_Text → const FontFamily


hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
index int
A numeric identifier for the enumerated value.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.


values → const List<FontFamily>
A constant List of the values in this enum, in order of their declaration.