Expression class


Expression(String expression, {int powerOperatorPrecedence = Expression.operatorPrecedencePower})
Creates a new expression instance from an expression string


functions Map<String, ILazyFunction>
All defined functions with name and implementation.
getter/setter pair
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
operators Map<String, ILazyOperator>
All defined operators with name and implementation.
getter/setter pair
powerOperatorPrecedence int
The precedence of the power (^) operator. Default is 40.
getter/setter pair
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
variables Map<String, LazyNumber?>
All defined variables with name and value.
getter/setter pair


addFunc(IFunc function) IFunc
Adds a function to the list of supported functions
addLazyFunction(ILazyFunction function) ILazyFunction
Adds a lazy function function to the list of supported functions
addOperator<T extends ILazyOperator>(T operator) → T
Adds an operator to the list of supported operators.
createLazyNumber(Decimal? decimal) LazyNumber
Construct a LazyNumber from a BigDecimal
eval() → Decimal?
Evaluates the expression.
getDeclaredFunctions() Iterable<String>
Exposing declared functions.
getDeclaredOperators() Iterable<String>
Exposing declared operators in the expression.
getDeclaredVariables() Iterable<String>
Exposing declared variables in the expression.
getExpressionTokenizer() Iterator<Token?>
Get an iterator for this expression, allows iterating over an expression token by token.
getRPN() List<Token>
Cached access to the RPN notation of this expression, ensures only one calculation of the RPN per expression instance. If no cached instance exists, a new one will be created and put to the cache.
getUsedVariables() List<String>
Returns a list of the variables in the expression.
isBoolean() bool
Checks whether the expression is a boolean expression. An expression is considered a boolean expression, if the last operator or function is boolean. The IF function is handled special. If the third parameter is boolean, then the IF is also considered boolean, else non-boolean.
isNumber(String st) bool
Is the string a number?
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
setDecimalVariable(String variable, Decimal? value) Expression
Sets a variable value.
setFirstVariableCharacters(String chars) Expression
Sets the characters other than letters and digits that are valid as the first character of a variable.
setLazyVariable(String variable, LazyNumber? value) Expression
Sets a variable value.
setStringVariable(String variable, String value) Expression
Sets a variable value.
setVariableCharacters(String chars) Expression
Sets the characters other than letters and digits that are valid as the second and subsequent characters of a variable.
toRPN() String
Get a string representation of the RPN (Reverse Polish Notation) for this expression.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Properties

e → Decimal
Definition of e: "Euler's number" as a constant, can be used in expressions as variable.
missingParametersForOperator String
Exception message for missing operators.
pi → Decimal
Definition of PI as a constant, can be used in expressions as variable.


operatorPrecedenceAdditive → const int
Additive operators precedence: + and -
operatorPrecedenceAnd → const int
And operator precedence: &&
operatorPrecedenceComparison → const int
Comparative operators precedence: <,>,<=,>=
operatorPrecedenceEquality → const int
Equality operators precedence: =, ==, !=. <>
operatorPrecedenceMultiplicative → const int
Multiplicative operators precedence: *,/,%
operatorPrecedenceOr → const int
Or operator precedence: ||
operatorPrecedencePower → const int
Power operator precedence: ^
operatorPrecedencePowerHigher → const int
An optional higher power operator precedence. {@link ExpressionSettings}
operatorPrecedenceUnary → const int
Unary operators precedence: + and - as prefix