processed method

List<int>? processed({
  1. bool flush = true,
  2. bool end = false,

Return a chunk of processed data.

When there is no more data available, processed will return null. Set flush to false for non-final calls to improve performance of some filters

The last call to processed should have end set to true. This will ensure the stream has an opportunity to be finalized with any trailing data.


List<int>? processed({bool flush = true, bool end = false}) {
  if (!processing) return null;
  if (!end && !hasMoreToProcess()) return null;
  final builder = BytesBuilder(copy: false);
  if (_outputBuffer.unreadCount > 0) {
    final bufferedBytes = _outputBuffer.writtenBytes(reset: true);
  } else {
    if (_toProcess.isNotEmpty) _toProcess = _toProcess.drainTo(_inputBuffer);
    final bufferedBytes = _outputBuffer.writtenBytes(reset: true);
    if (flush == true) _flush(builder);
    if (end == true) _finalize(builder);
  return builder.takeBytes();