EnumPlusListExtension<T extends EnumPlus> extension



coerce(dynamic enumNameOrValue) → T?
Attempt to instantiate a new Enum using the given key or value.
fromFriendlyName(String friendlyName) → T
Make an enum instance from a given friendly name.
fromFriendlyNames(List<String> friendlyNames) List<T>
Get enums from friendly names.
fromName(String name) → T
Make an enum instance from a given key.
fromNames(List<String> names) List<T>
Get enums from names.
fromValue(dynamic value) → T
Make a new instance from an enum value.
fromValues(List values) List<T>
Return instances from enum values
getFriendlyNames({List? values}) List<String>
Get all or a custom set of the enum friendly names.
getFriendlyNamesExcept(List values) List<String>
Return friendly names of all the enums except the given values.
getName(dynamic value) String
Get the name for a single enum value.
getNames({List? values}) List<String>
Get all or a custom set of the enum names.
getNamesExcept(List values) List<String>
Return names of all the enums except the given values.
getRandom() → T
Get a random instance of the enum.
getRandomFriendlyName() String
Get a random friendly name of the enum.
getRandomName() String
Get a random name of the enum.
getRandomValue() → dynamic
Get a random value of the enum.
getValue(String name) → dynamic
Get the value for a single enum key.
getValues({List<String>? names}) List
Get all or a custom set of the enum values.
getValuesExcept(List values) List
Return values of all the enums except the given values.
hasFriendlyName(String friendlyName) bool
Check that the enum contains a specific friendly name.
hasName(String name) bool
Check that the enum contains a specific name.
hasValue(dynamic value) bool
Check that the enum contains a specific value.
toListExcept(List values) List<T>
Return instances of all the enums except the given values.