writeText method

Future writeText(
  1. String text, [
  2. dynamic logObject,
  3. Duration? timeout

Writes the specified text.

When the log is enabled it will either log the specified logObject or just the text.

When a timeout is specified and occurs, it will throw a TimeoutException after the specified time.


Future writeText(String text, [dynamic logObject, Duration? timeout]) async {
  final previousWriteFuture = _writeFuture;
  if (previousWriteFuture != null) {
    try {
      await previousWriteFuture;
    } catch (e, s) {
      print('Unable to await previous write '
          // ignore: unawaited_futures
          'future $previousWriteFuture: $e $s');
      _writeFuture = null;
  if (isLogEnabled) {
    logObject ??= text;

  final future =
      timeout == null ? _socket.flush() : _socket.flush().timeout(timeout);
  _writeFuture = future;
  await future;
  _writeFuture = null;