uidFetchMessages method

Future<FetchImapResult> uidFetchMessages(
  1. MessageSequence sequence,
  2. String? fetchContentDefinition, {
  3. int? changedSinceModSequence,
  4. Duration? responseTimeout,

Fetches messages by the given definition.

sequence the sequence of message UIDs for which messages should be fetched fetchContentDefinition the definition of what should be fetched from the message, e.g. 'BODY[]' or 'ENVELOPE', etc Specify the changedSinceModSequence in case only messages that have been changed since the specified modification sequence should be fetched. Note that this requires the CONDSTORE or QRESYNC server capability. Specify a responseTimeout when you expect a response within a the specified duration. Also compare uidFetchMessagesByCriteria.


Future<FetchImapResult> uidFetchMessages(
        MessageSequence sequence, String? fetchContentDefinition,
        {int? changedSinceModSequence, Duration? responseTimeout}) =>
      'UID FETCH',
      changedSinceModSequence: changedSinceModSequence,
      responseTimeout: responseTimeout,